Vincent’s eyes narrowed. “She’s still shy.”
“We’ll fuck that out of her within the next few months.”
Vincent turned to Eros. “You want to know something she did on that stage in Boston? Something I can’t stop thinking about?”
Interested in the topic returning back to our public mating that started with a blood bath and ended with a blood eagle, Eros leaned forward. “I’m still waiting for you two to tell me every damn detail of that night so I can jerk off to it later. The youngblood too probably, knowing that he’s into the whole watching and being watched thing.”
“When we’d hatched the plan for me to cause her just enough pain to fuel my true form, she fought me. Just for a second. She scurried across the bed, trying to escape me. I caught her ankle, dragging her back.” Vin paused, sucking a breath between clenched teeth. “You should have seen the look on her face and caught the scent of her pussy when I forced her back to me.”
Eros’ brows shot up. “Well, well. Is it possible our little fuck doll wants to act out a force fantasy? I can get into that.”
I blew out the breath I’d been holding. “Ever since I got here, I’ve had to be the strong vampire princess. I don’t really get to be human, do I? I don’t get to be weak. I’ve had to step into this role of being a powerful, resilient badass. So the idea of getting to pretend like I’m just a normal girl with no control to have to worry about losing is really appealing. I want to feel like a fragile human caught between two psycho vampires.” I shrugged. “And you know what? I’m not sorry about it. I want to feel helpless, to be your plaything.”
Deathwish held my head firmly in his hands. “First, let’s get one thing straight. Youarea powerful resilient badass. Alright?”
I nodded, and he kissed me sweetly on the lips. “That’s my girl. Second, I want you to understand that you’re one of us now, baby. Welcome to our fucked up, twisted, kinky as fuck family.” He held his arms out, his wild grin turned manic by the flicker of the furnace flames. “We do what we want, shag how we want, and if anyone has a problem with that, I’ll put a stake through their head.”
He crossed behind me, shoving his nose against my cheek. I could taste his smoky, metallic scent on my tongue. My eyelashes fluttered when he let loose a slithering purr of a growl that touched every part of my demented little soul.
“You want us to hold you down and use you? And when you scream ‘stop,’ we’ll just go harder?”
I gave a weak nod. “So long as I can scream mercy...”
His grin turned tender against my cheek as he patted my other with his palm. “Always, babygirl. Always.”
Chapter fifty-one
A Brand and a Date at Midnight
“Gotothefurnace,”Eros instructed. His voice was soft but contained an edge of something darkly sweet. “Be sure not to leave the brand in for too long. We don’t want to melt the silver.”
Opening a drawer on his bench, he pulled out what looked like a cigarette, but by the scent and the little twist of paper at the end, I knew it was something else.
I sniffed, eyeing it with interest as he lit the end with his lighter.
“Weed,” he answered the unspoken question. “Have you tried it yet?”
My thoughts went back to my night with Corry and his friends. “Not pot. But I tried a drag of Vira’s cigarette.”
Vincent stiffened, and his expression tightened in my periphery. “You mean the demoness always hanging off the youngblood?”
I shifted my attention to the fae, caught off guard by his obvious displeasure. “I hung out with them on my night with Cor. We went out for a ride around the Cape. It was fine. Everyone was cool. For the most part.”
“They’re punks. Stay away from them.”
I was slightly irked by the demand. He wasn’t asking me to stay away. He was telling me. Why was he so put off by Corry’s friends? Sure, they were punks. But were they really a threat to me, or was Vin just jealous?
“Why?” My lips stretched into a slow smirk as I strode over to Vin with the brand swinging loosely in my grip. “You got a first-row seat to the show in Boston, watched how I wiped the stage with a dozen enemy vampires. I think I can handle a couple of punks just fine...” I brought the rod up to the juncture between his formidable thighs, teasing the bulge in his sweats with a stroke of the brand. “Considering I can tame the world’s biggest alpha.”
I reveled in the thunderstruck stare he gave me before sauntering back to Eros to take a puff of the weed he held out to me, a shit-eating grin curving his pierced lips. I coughed for a second, but not nearly as much as when I tried that cigarette for the first time. Then I got all light-headed, and my eyelids drooped a little. “Hey, that’s nice.”
“Great idea, asshole. Let’s get her stoned and send her off to play next to the fire,” Vin snapped at Eros, shaking himself from his trance.
“She’s fine. I’m starting to think our girl has better survival instincts than we do.” Eros took a hit of the roll, his attention fastening on me through the smoke. “Calming, huh? Feel a little less nervous?”
“Mhm.” I stared down at the brand in my hand. I wasn’t put off by the prospect of pain and torture as a form of pleasure, so long as it was done right. That said, being on the giving end was new territory.
“Are you sure about this? Maybe I should give you a safe word.”