Eros’ mouth quirked. “The second you brand me, it will be over. Just know that you’ll feel a bit of pain too, since we’re bonded. Nothing you can’t handle.”

I gave a nod in understanding and pivoted to face the furnace. It had heated up the small space in a matter of seconds, making me sweat profusely. Or maybe it was the nerves, knowing the sequence of events that was about to happen.

First, I’d brand Eros with my own name.

Second, Vin was going to use that pain to literally shift his dick into something— Bloody hell. I didn’t know what he was going to do with it.

Third, they were going to take me at the same time. Roughly. Brutally.

They’d use me.

My thighs quivered, sweat trickling down them, and for one filthy second, I pretended it was their cum dribbling down my raw and red flesh instead.

If I screamed, would they be into it? Eros, probably. Vin, maybe.

Where would we do it? Not in the house, obviously. People would hear us and maybe think it was more than just a game. That would be a disaster. Especially if Sterling caught wind of it.

“Focus, Princess,” Feral grunted from his position against the wall where he lounged with his hands stuck in his pockets, calling attention to the weapon he was smuggling in those freaking sweatpants. “Don’t be nervous. He’s into this kind of shit.”

I turned my attention to the flames of the fire. My blood roared in my ears as I approached the furnace and stuck the brand into its hellish heat. I pulled it out after a few moments, the tip molten red.

When I walked back to where my mates stood, I didn’t miss the way they watched me with slack-jawed expressions. I fucking loved when my men looked at me like that. Like I was already in command of their world, with or without my father’s crown on my head.

“Where do you want it?”

My breath rushed out of me in a shaky gasp when my eyes went to the place he pointed.

The vampire snickered at my reaction, sliding his index finger sensually down the column of his throat, which was moist with his sweat. “What’s the matter, baby doll? Scared? Turned on? Or maybe you’re just hungry for a bite.” He winked at me with a playful smile tugging at his lips.

“You want me to brand your throat?” I asked with disbelief.

“Why not? I love that I’ve got your mark on my hand, but maybe I’m feeling a little jealous that my den brothers have theirs on their throats. I’m not one for subtlety. I want everyone to see that I belong to the queen. Now come on, before it cools.”

Planting my bare feet firmly on the concrete floor in front of him, I tamped down on my nerves before stamping the malevolent glow of the brand to his throat.

Every muscle of my mate clenched, and the cords in his neck flexed. He ground his teeth together, biting back a howl of pain. I had to swallow a wince of my own, feeling his agony through our bond.

His fingers dug into the edge of his workbench so hard the wood cracked. Unable to keep a lid on his composure, he threw his head and released a howl that reached down to my marrow. His skin bubbled, and the scent of burnt flesh stung my nose. I tossed the brand to the ground and stepped into him. His arms were shaking, but steadied when he curled them around my middle, drawing me against him.

I read my name burned into his skin before I planted a kiss a few inches from the wound. “Property of Queen Ruby Renada.”

He pushed his face into my hair, omitting a hum that rippled down my spine.

“Did it work?” It took me a second to register that he was talking to Vincent. The fae’s muscled heat pressed against me before I had a chance to turn around.

“It worked.” His warm breath brushed over the back of my neck, making me sweat in ways that had nothing to do with the furnace fire. Taking hold of my hips, he yanked my ass against his groin. “I have what I need to shift. The question is, what kind of cock do we want to see our princess take?”

“I’ll let you choose, brother,” Vincent said after a beat, his sultry smirk curving against my ear. “You are the monster expert, after all. What cock is the perfect size for our girl’s pussy? Something that will make her writhe and beg for more.”

I couldn’t see Feral’s expression, but I could imagine it by Eros’ wide-eyed reaction. His surprise slipped into one of the most erotic and primal looks I’d ever seen on a man’s face. He made a throaty noise as if overwhelmed by all the twisted ideas floating around in his dirty thoughts.

“I know.”

I expelled a soft moan without meaning to. Caught up between them, I barely seemed to have a hold over myself. Then again, did it really matter? I was about to throw myself into the deep end with these two. There’d be no more room for useless human inhibitions.

Vincent leaned forward so his face pressed against mine. Eros whispered in his ear. I was so close to them, smashed tightly between their bodies that if I could just stretch on my tiptoes maybe I could catch their whispers.

But I couldn’t budge. They held me in place as they discussed in private, inches from me.