“You’re so beautiful,” he said in a rapturous murmur, peering up at me like I was some kind of holy visage.
“What’s so beautiful about me?” I trailed my index finger over his biceps, dancing around the pouch while careful not to look at it.
“Everything. Your steely eyes. Your sweet, sunny scent. Your curves.” His hands closed around my hips and slid over my torso, the apples of his palms kissing my breasts. “Your lips that just beg to be owned even when they’re snarling at me.”
My chest warmed and squeezed with a sensation that had me short on breath. “Yeah?”
“Don’t forget her insane courage,” Eros added from the foot of the bed. “Oh, and her penchant for pain. Hot as fuck.”
Vin’s gaze darkened, and his eyes flashed like lightning from a storm cloud. “And let’s also not forget that infuriating as fuck audacity.”
“Don’t pretend it doesn’t get you hard, Feral,” Eros snickered.
“Oh, there’s no hiding it.” The fae chuckled, wiggling his hips to drive his very erect point home. I winced, suddenly resentful of all the fabric between us.
“So, you not only like my audacity, but it gets you all worked up? That’s good to know. At least you can stroke yourself while I open my present.”
Before he had time to react, I snatched the pouch from around his neck and jerked on the cord hard enough to snap it.
I moved to scramble off the bed, but his fingers clamped around my ankle like a spring-action vice, dragging me across the mattress before I’d even made it off the bed.
The electric wrath rolling off his body swallowed me before the shadow of his muscular frame. In the next second, he was on top of me again, but gone was his agreeable demeanor, eaten up by the acidity of his displeasure.
“Thief,” he sneered, holding my balled fist between us. His face was so close to mine that his hot breath washed over my knuckles and scraped over my skin.
“It’s mine. I want to see what’s inside so badly. Whatever it is, it has to be worth almost breaking my heart over.” The flames of my curiosity burned so hot in my belly, a sheen of sweat settled over my flesh.
His upper lip peeled back to reveal his dropped fangs. “It almost is.”
Eros was barely a foot away from us, unmoving from where he lay. His chocolate gaze flicked back and forth between us.
“Careful, bro. Get her angry, and her monster might come out again. This close, she might rip your dick off.”
“Her monster wouldn’t come out over a little tantrum like this. But if it did, I’d love to punish her for being such a little brat.” He ran his tongue over my lower lip and cackled when I bared my fangs at him.
“Though the way she’s smelling, she’d enjoy that too much.”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“I want to give it to you only after you decide to forgive me. I need to earn your forgiveness without bribery.”
“Seriously, who are you?”
He rolled his eyes. “Give me a different question.”
“This isn’t a game. You can’t just skip. You answer the question or—”
“Or what?” His eyes raked down my body in a way that made me feel naked, even with the clothes and blanket covering me. “My little princess is going to come over here and bang her little fists on my chest? Go ahead, baby. Throw your tantrum and see what happens.”
“Stop riling her up,” Eros chastised him with a dagger-sharp glare. “You’re just making her smell even better, and it’s driving me up the damn wall.”
Vin pried my fingers open and tore the bag out of my hand. He threw me back into the pillows and moved to sit beside Eros. “I’m being serious. You don’t open it until you forgive me. Got it?”
“If the gift is so great, maybe I’ll forgive you once I see what it is? I mean, I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.”
“That’s just it. I don’t want you to forgive me because you like the gift. It’s not a bribe. I got it for you because I love you. Not because I’m trying to buy my way back into your good graces.”