Chapter forty-eight
Night in the Basement
Vincenthookedathumbunder the cord strung around his neck and held out a satchel so small I hadn’t noticed it before. “Your present? You mean this?”
At my overly eager nod, his chest shook with quiet, rumbling laughter that grated over my flushed skin like sandpaper.
“I plan on giving you your birthday present in my own time, Princess. By the way you’re looking at me...” Sparks ignited in my belly when he dropped the satchel to grip his cock over his sweats. “Maybe I can satisfy you with a different package from Fairie.”
I ticked my jaw, annoyed by the smug curve of his stupid-hot mouth and how it stretched wider when he caught my scent. What was it about his mean eyes paired with the seductive words that made my body burn with this need for him?
I already knew the answer. I craved the blistering, decadent, devious pain he offered. My monster was drawn to the virile male and the future his cock and all its counterparts offered. And both parts of me were still very much in love with him.
My eyes landed back on the pouch strung around his neck, and a plan bloomed in my mind.
“You know what? I think I will fuck you,” I purred.
Just like that, the smile dropped away from his face. He let out a primal sound that was all gravely vibrato. His energy shifted, violent and feral. It lit that white-hot fire inside me.
Shit. I was so turned on, maybe my plan would backfire and I’d just go through with screwing him. It was almost easy to forget about whatever mystery was in that pouch while he was looking at me like that.
Plus, in my current condition, there wasn’t a thing either of these males could feasibly do that I wouldn’t find to be a turn-on. Especially with Vincent shoving his hands into the pockets of the sweats Sterling lent him, pulling the fabric taut around his cock. The added fact that he was shirtless, with the defined V of his body along with its dark veins slipping into the waistband of the sweats on display, just made it that much more impossible not to drool over him.
“Really?” His brows hitched with surprise. “Right now?”
Eros snarled. “Yeah,really?”
I gave a one-shoulder shrug and paired it with a sultry grin so as not to appear too suspicious. “Really. Now get the fuck over here, Feral, before I change my mind.”
Vincent pushed off from the doorframe with his shoulder and strode over to the bed with a prowl that made my thighs weak and my mouth dry.
Fuck. Focus. Focus! Eyes on the first package, then you can go for the bigger one later...
Eros watched us both with an expression I could only discern as begrudging interest.
Every nerve in my body lit up when Vincent crawled onto the bed.
I fought to keep my composure, careful not to allow my attention to stray to the satchel around his neck.
“And Deathwish?” he asked on a hellish rasp that stripped me bare. “It’s his room. We can go up to my den. Or are we going to stay here and make him watch?”
My lips puckered at the mention of his room. Mmm. His invitation was tempting just because I hadn’t seen his formal room yet, let alone his den. I didn’t even know where it was in the house. “We’ll stay here. I don’t think he’ll mind watching this.” I glanced over Vin’s shoulder to see Eros stretched languidly on his side at the foot of the bed with his head propped in his hand, loose blond tresses spilling over calloused fingers.
By the shit-eating smile on his face, he knew I was up to something. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna want to see this.”
Luckily Vin was too caught up watching me to catch the amusement in his brother’s voice.
He crawled on top of me, the blanket between us a pitiful barrier between the virile male and the tattered remains of my resolve. His brand-hot eyes bore through me, shining like shards of emeralds thrown into Hell’s inferno.
“I want to do this right this time. No enemies. No monsters. No blood or pain. Just us. You and me.” He brushed the hair back from my brow and held my head in his hands, staring down at me with his mask lowered. Then he smiled, a true, genuine smile, before lowering his mouth to claim mine with a devout kiss.
My heart thundered in my chest and his fingers smoothed over it as if to calm its pace.
Shit. Plan backfiring!
As if reading my mind, Eros nudged my foot with his own. Right. Satchel!
I felt the tiny pouch resting against my chest. Clamping my knees over Vincent’s hips, I rolled us so that I was now on top, looking down at him through my wild mane of red hair.