Vincent shifted his glare to Eros, who lounged against his cell bars with an intrigued expression carving his hard features.
“You were probably right.”
Half expecting him to say something antagonistic, my mouth fell open at his words.
A flash of surprise flickered over Eros’ face, but he recovered in a blink. A vicious sneer twisted his face. “About what?”
Vincent tensed against me. “You know what.”
“I want to hear you say it, Feral.”
“About my father. In all likelihood, he was a monster. I barely knew him. Plus, he was different while he was at home. If he was anything like me, you were within your right to kill him.”
“I saved a lot of people, butchering your monster of a father like I did.”
Vincent bared his fangs. “Don’t push it.”
To my frustration, Eros scoffed, blowing off his brother with the flip of his middle finger. “Fuck you. You expect me to forgive you, just like that? When you destroyed my fighting career? You made me a laughingstock. And when you ripped all that away from me, you fucking murdered me.”
Vincent stormed up to the cell bars, bristling. “What did you expect? To die an old man in your bed? You were a monster hunter in the Helsing Guild. Dying a brutal death was an inevitability. You should thank me. If I hadn’t done it, you would have been killed by something far worse.”
“I would have preferred to get my skull crushed by a rock golem or my balls ripped off by some hag of a harpy. Instead, I had to get put down by some daddy’s boy of a fae, who didn’t even have the brains to make sure he wasn’t being followed by the king of the fucking vampires. Now I’m stuck living as the very thing I dedicated my life to eradicating. And to make this eternal Hell all the worse, I’m stuck living it out with you!”
Now it was time to knock Deathwish back a few notches. I stood against the cell bars, glaring in at him. “I’m not making excuses for Feral, and I’m not telling you to forgive him. But he is your brother now. And...he saved your life back at the factory. He didn’t have to do that.”
“So?” Eros barked out a mirthless laugh. “I’m supposed to thank him? Life with him is torture. I’d have more peace if he just left me on the concrete to bleed out.”
I pushed my face against the bars, angling my head so Vincent couldn’t see the look I gave Eros. “And what about life with me?”
Before he could answer, I reached into his cell and took him by the scruff of his beard. Yanking his face to the bars, I consumed his grunt of surprise in a bruising kiss.
His lips parted beneath mine, and I dove into his mouth, lapping up his masculine moan as I kissed him with everything I had. I sucked one of his snake bites into my mouth and gave it a swirl with the point of my tongue. He growled into me as he melted into the bars separating us. “Fuck, doll. I’ll share you with the devil himself if it means I get to call you mine in any capacity.”
Triumph filled my chest until I thought I might burst. “Swear it?”
He grinned impishly. “If I don’t, will you knock me around a little more?”
Chuckling, I took a step back from the cage and raised my hand to my mouth. Dropping my fangs, I bit my wrist and held it up for him to watch the ruby-red blood trickle down my arm.
Vincent tensed up in my periphery but held his ground.
“I can do you one better. You’re probably hungry. A few drops of my blood will go a long way in helping you heal. Swear to play nice with your brother, and I’ll give you a taste.
“Fuck yes,” he said on a low-pitched whine like I was offering a meal to a starving beast. In a way, I was. “I swear.”
I licked my smiling lips. “Good boy.”
When I stuck my arm through the bars, I thought Vincent would try to stop me.
He didn’t.
He watched as Eros’ fangs punctured my wrist, clutching my arm to his chest like it was the most precious thing he’d ever held.
“I have a plan,” I told Vincent, knowing Eros was absorbed in his snack and would need to be told later. “About what we should do next as far as the Boston Coven goes.”
Vincent’s brows hitched, his ravenous gaze lifting from my breasts to settle on my eyes. “Is this going to be a trend?”