He came forward, positioning himself so that I was pressed between the cell bars and his chest. We were so close my nipples scraped against the top ridge of his abs.
“You coming up with political power moves while being such a good little blood whore for my brother.” He spoke in a pitch so low that I doubted Eros could hear, even if he wasn’t gorging himself on my blood.
Quirking my head, I donned a lazy smile, half-drunk from the woozy sensation of losing blood and the blistering power radiating off Vincent. “Does this turn you on, Feral?”
His eyelids dropped to half-mast. “Almost every goddamn thing about you turns me on, Princess.”
“Even when I make you mad?”
He brushed the pad of his thumb over my lower lip. “Especially then.”
“It doesn’t bother you, seeing me with him?”
“Hmm. Well, unlike my brother, I don’t share his sentiments on sharing you with Satan if it came down to it. So Eros by comparison…” He gave a half-shouldered shrug. “Doesn’t seem so bad.”
“Wow. Admitting you think Eros is better than Satan. We’re taking leaps and bounds today.”
“So we are. Now tell me what we’re going to do about the Boston Coven.”
“Go to war with them.”
He blinked. “How? The Elders will never support you on that. Not unless the BC break the treaty by killing one of us directly.”
“That’s why I plan on making my own council.”
“What? How?”
I shrugged. “I haven’t worked out that part exactly. Maybe we can travel to some of the larger covens and ensure their support and loyalty. That way, when the time comes to overthrow the Elders, it won’t matter because we’ll already have the vote of the people.”
“And who will make up this new council exactly?”
“Easy. My four mates.”
“Yeah, who better to make up my council of advisors than my four princes? You’ll help me make laws that aren’t complete bullshit. Laws that protect our people, rather than dumb traditions.”
A frown split Vincent’s mouth. “The council won’t be happy if they catch wind of this. Sharpe may be off the council now, and Sterling has a seat. But that leaves four others who may take a vote to make one of us king before you’re crowned.”
“I expect you to keep my plan as tight-lipped as you and your brothers did for my father’s ‘suicide.’ I trust you to do that. If you can keep anything, Feral, it’s a secret. But if they find out, and they do offer to make you king...” I touched his cheek, enjoying how his lips pulled into an almost smile at the contact. “Would you take them up on it?”
The Feral King’s hesitation elevated the intensity in our prison. When he finally spoke, the single word that left his mouth was just as intoxicating as when he had confessed his love for me. “No.”
I moved so fast, I surprised even myself when I grabbed him by the throat. My fingers barely came a third of the way around the vampire’s football-player-like neck, but at least I was getting the point across. It was a move from his own book, one that he found more pleasing than anything else, judging by the way his erection stretched his shorts.
“Swear it. Swear that if the Elders try to push me out and make you king, you will remain loyal to me.”
His eyes shone brightly with adoration as he fell to his knees before me. He gripped my thighs, and with where his head was positioned, his hot breath tickled my pubic hair.
“I swear it.”
“And you swear to let me rule our people as the Queen of the Vampires?”
“You’re the most beautiful female I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’d worship you as a goddess if you ask it of me, let alone bow to you as My Queen. I swear my loyalty to you, always.”
“I want you to promise me something else, Vin.”