For a moment, she seemed stunned by the statement, then her lips curled into a tender smile. “You’re sweet.”
“And maybe you could have saved my younger self from the witch in my closet.”
“Sorry, what?”
“When I was a wee lad, I was convinced that a witch lived in my closet.”
She raised a brow at him and then laughed. “A closet? I don’t think so.”
“I was absolutely positive she came out at night to steal my hair and nails.”
Celeste covered her mouth and laughed harder. “Your hair? Whatever for?”
“Spells and such.” He looked as if into the distance. “In fact, I’m pretty sure she’s still in there.”
She laughed so hard she snorted and then blushed furiously. “Oops. Pardon.”
“No pardon necessary. I like your laugh.”
She snorted again, derisively this time. “You do not. I have a terrible laugh. It’s too loud and obnoxious.”
“Says who?”
She shrugged. “My mother. She says I sound like a piglet.”
He rolled his eyes. “That’s ridiculous. Your laugh is adorable and infectious.”
“Oh, you’re full of it. I think you just enjoy embarrassing me.”
“True. It is becoming my favorite hobby.” He lifted his hand to graze his thumb gently over her cheek. “Your cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink.” As if on cue, her cheeks darkened for him. “Beautiful.”
Her liquid gaze dipped to his lips, all humor gone . . . replaced by something else entirely. A sizzle of energy charged the air.
“I . . . uh . . . I should probably get back to my book.” But her gaze remained where it was. And then, as though to tempt him further, her tongue darted out to wet her lips. There was no choice for him after that. He had to know . . .
Leaning down, he brought his lips within inches of hers. Her breaths became uneven. At the last moment, he hesitated, whether for her or himself, he wasn’t sure . . . because once he crossed this line, it would change things between them forever. Perhaps he should rethink—
She palmed the back of his neck and brought him the remaining distance . . .
Sparks fired in his brain as their lips met. Hers were soft and warm and perfect, molding around his as if they were designed by some divine spirit to fit like this. He wanted to pull her close, feel the heat of her against him . . .
. . . But it was another line he shouldn’t cross. He didn’t wish for the full force of his desire to frighten her.
As she lavished him with a volley of gently lapping kisses, he struggled to hold himself in check. If he let this go on any longer, he would not relent until he heard her cries of pleasure.
When she lapped sweetly at his tongue, madness took him. He pushed her up against the bookcase and pressed his body into her soft curves, deepening the kiss. She let out a little moan that nearly undid him altogether. Blissful pleasure swept through him, sending him off-kilter, and making him feel strangely weak. Something seemed to shift within him. A bone-deep sensation of rightness.
The feeling was insanity. It was terrifying. Exciting.
Her scent invaded his nostrils, drugging him. Breaking away, he ran his lips along the line of her jaw and down her neck, nipping at the soft spot in the crook of her neck. She let out a sexy little whimper that sent fire through his blood. He took her lips again in a searing kiss.
When he looped his arms around her waist and let his hand slip down to her backside, she stiffened. Seeming to come to her senses, she broke the kiss and slipped out of his arms.
He gripped the bookshelf, white-knuckling it, partly to keep himself upright—he felt dazed and a little crazed—partly to resist the urge to pull her back into the hard line of his body.
They stood in stunned silence for a moment. She was panting and flushed and sexy as hell, eyeing his lips as though hungry for more.Just say the word, little temptress.
Suddenly she was glancing everywhere but at him. She couldn’t quite meet his gaze. Regretting their tryst so soon? “I . . . um . . . I must . . . that was”—she shook her head as though to clear it— “I shouldn’t have . . . I must go. Thank you for showing me the library,” Backing away, she vanished before his eyes, leaving him desperately aroused, ravenous for more.