“Learn anything interesting?” he asked.

“Just that dragons used to be nomadic by nature. It’s only been in the last couple centuries that you have gathered into groups, forming monarchies.”

Right, because rogue dragons were easier targets for, say, witches on the hunt—or so he’d been told. “Of all the books in our library, that’s got to be the dullest one you could’ve picked?”

She blinked up at him in awe. “You have awholelibrary of books?

He cocked his head. “Of course. Isn’t that where you found that book?”

“I found this on a table in one of the sitting rooms. I was going to put it back as soon as I finished it. How large is your library?” Her iridescent eyes blazed with interest.

“I’d say it’s a decent size.” He’d consider their collection modest. Nothing grand like the libraries of Highburough where one could practically get lost in the aisles for days. “I could show you the way if you like.”

“Oh, yes! Please.”

Moments later, he led her through the library’s ornate double doors. Her eyes went as wide as saucers, taking in the beautiful oval-shaped, two-story library with handcrafted curved bookcases and domed glass ceiling that allowed natural light to pour throughout the space.

She spun in place. “Have you read all these books?”

He laughed, “Not hardly.”

“If I had access to a library like this, I might never leave.”

“Are witches no’ in the habit of collecting books?”

“We keep several sacred grimoires, but they are fiercely guarded by our elders.”

“Guarded? Can you no’ read them whenever you like?”

She shook her head. “When we reach a certain level with our magic, we can request permission to read one, but permission is not always granted. If you are allowed, they can only be read with an elder presence, and for only an allotted time.”

He gestured around the library. “Well, you can come here anytime you like, read whatever you want, and stay for as long as you like.”

She clasped her hands together in front of her. “Really?” Her exuberant smile flooded him with such unexpected joy that he was rendered momentarily lightheaded.

“You must feel so blessed to have access to all this reading material,” she said.

He didnow, when before, he’d never given it much thought.

A calculating gleam entered her eyes, making her look sexier than it should. “You must have a favorite childhood book?”

He quirked a smile. “I was always partial to adventure books.” He led her up to the second floor and through the aisles to a shelf along the back wall and retrieved a red, leatherbound book. “This is about a young dragon who ventures to another land and encounters…uh…witches…” He scratched the back of his neck, recalling the battle that ensues. “On second thought, it’s actually not that good.” He put it back and pulled out another, a green one with two dragons painted on the cover. “This is about two boys who, in secret, are trying to learn to fly in their dragon forms for the first time so they can impress their friends. You see, their friends donna know yet that they can shift.”

“How do they not know?” she asked.

“Well, for dragons, the first transformation happens roughly between the ages of seven and thirteen, and the two boys in the story are on the younger side. So, every day they go to this secret meadow they found and practice flying, and then one day they come across a group of evil . . . uh . . .” he glanced at the cover and scrubbed his jaw.

“Witches,” she surmised, smiling sadly at him.

He grimaced and looked back at the bookshelf. Were all the books he’d read as a child about dragons defeating witches? Why had he never noticed before?

“It’s okay. Many of our stories tell of the times my ancestors fought off packs of vicious dragons. From what I understand, your kind used to enjoy burning our colonies for sport.”

“I don’t know about that,” he lightly defended. “In retaliation . . . surely . . .”

She shook her head. “Not according to the tales passed down for generations. “A shiver ran though her. “The stories used to give me nightmares.”

This conversation was headed off the rails, and he hated that stark look in her eyes. “I wish I could have been there to help defeat those nightmares.”