“Our history is long, but vague,” Aidan informed her. “We believe we all lived on the same planet at one time, Legura, evolving together, but ages ago my people branched off, taking over a habitable planet that shares the same sun. For the most part we leave each other alone, but there has been some strife. And as the technology on each world advances, there is a growing fear of war.”

Lear nodded. “It was my father’s belief that if Aidan and I won this race together, it would ease tensions and open the doors to diplomacy.”

“Which was ridiculous,” Aidan said dismissively, “since my people banished me.”

Onnika blinked at him. “Why would they do that?”

He hesitated for a moment. “Something bad happened to some people I loved, and I refused to let it go.”

She got the sense that she shouldn’t press him on that, so she returned to her original inquiry. “So once the race is over, will you all go your separate ways again?”

They all went quiet, perhaps considering the prospect for the first time.

“I got nothing going on after this,” Zeek blithely replied.

“There’s a shocker,” Asher teased.

Zeek countered, “Like you have a lot of prospects.”

Asher made a grunt of acquiescence. “I’m not sure what I will do. Return home, I suppose.”

No one else answered her question, so she asked another of Aidan. “Was it really a big deal that I flew with you today? Would Lear’s people really think it dishonorable?”

“Yes. Because his people are all uptight socialites.”

“Hardly,” Lear objected. “We are a great warrior clan, but my people, and even some of Aidan’s, find the idea of ferrying another around on their backs degrading.”

“I don’t see it that way,” Aidan coolly stated, but his eyes had returned to the screen where Zeek and Asher were still engaged in their game.

“Nor I,” Lear said. “But it is best not to be seen doing it if one can help it. Generally, only spouses or one’s children are given the honor.”

She glanced at Aidan, but he still seemed lost in thought.

Zeek laughed. “Be proud, Onnika. You single-handedly outraged two entire nations. Not an easy feat.”

“For me it is,” she sheepishly parried.

“What about me?” Priya joined in, smiling. “I did the same. In fact, I rode a dragon prince, which I would assume is even more outrageous.”

“And I’m sure I will never hear the end of it when I return home,” Lear muttered sardonically. “Such an act, when involving non-family members, can also be viewed as…uh…intimate.”

“You see how good I am at not getting jealous?” Vin said pointedly, glancing up from his handheld to eye Priya.

“Maybe you should be,” she replied with a smile.

He balled a fist in the air. “You want me to hit him?”

She tapped her finger on her chin, as though seriously considering.

“To hell with all of you.” Lear stood and headed for the hatch. “There’s better company elsewhere.”

Asher ripped off his visor and tracked Lear’s exit with narrowed eyes.

“Hey!” Zeek complained. “You just crashed. Younevercrash.”

“I have something to attend to.” With that, Asher lurched off the couch and followed Lear out.

“Aww, man. Right when I was gaining on him. I’m claiming this as a win. You’re all witnesses.”

To Aidan, Onnika said, “You think we should go after them?” She knew exactly where they were headed: to find Caryn and keep the other from being alone with her.

Aidan shook his head. “They need to work this out for themselves.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” She paused, deciding to see if Aidan might be honest with her about what Ash and Lear were really up to. “It’s strange, don’t you think, that both of them seem suddenly besotted by Caryn. Especially Ash.”

Aidan only shrugged, not meeting her gaze.

“You don’t suppose they have an agenda?”

Aidan’s muscles stiffened slightly. “Caryn is an attractive girl. I’m sure there’s nothing more to it.”