“I left because I was needed back home,” Asher supplied, but did not elaborate.

Zeek put in, “And Aidan ran off to work for some demons.”

“I am new to this group,” Lear inserted. “I only require their assistance for the sake of this race.”

That wasn’t the first time Lear had said something similar. “Lear, does this mean you’re only in it for the win?”


“Don’t be like that,” Zeek pouted. “You know youwuuuvus.”

“I tolerate you.”

Onnika smiled as she absently ran her nails through the hair at Aidan’s nape. His eyelids lowered slightly as if he found the caress pleasurable, so she kept doing it. To Lear, she said, “What’s so important about winning this race?”

“Honor for my people.”

“That’s all?”

“It is enough.”

“And the rest of you?” Her curiosity was piqued. “Why enter such a dangerous competition?”

Zeek answered first. “Boredom.”

“Adventure,” Vin said.

Priya squared her shoulders. “To test my skills, and because Aidan asked for my help.”

“Same here,” Asher replied, pushing his virtual vehicle up a steep incline. “And I just like to win.”

Aidan hesitated before answering her question. “I never wanted to run this race again. Doing it the first time was the worst decision of my life.”

The veiled despair hiding behind his eyes tore at her heart. She placed her free hand on his cheek in an attempt to offer what comfort she could. Their eyes locked for a moment, and he offered a thin smile.

“So then why do it again?” she asked.

“I entered under duress. You see, some very good friends of mine needed the aid of Lear’s army to regain control of their home world. If I didn’t agree to run this race, Lear and his family would have refused to help.”

Onnika shot a glance at Lear. “That’s deplorable.”

Zeek agreed. “She’s right, Lear, pretty despicable for people who covet honor above all things.”

“Oh, come off it,” said Lear. “We would have helped them even if Aidan had refused us. They were our allies long before he even knew of their existence.”

Aidan stiffened. “You would have helpedeither way?”

Lear gave a careless shrug, but there was something smug in the angles of his brows.

Aidan shook his head. “Now he tells me.”

“I apologize for the deception,” Lear said, not sounding the least bit sorry, “but it was my father’s idea, a great man who gave his life to that battle, I might add. He only wanted to mend fences between our clans. Surely you can understand that, Aidan.”

“I doubt this will fix anything, even if we do win.”

Lear inclined his head. “I fear you may be right.”

“Your people don’t get along?” Onnika wondered how a race could bring feuding clans together.