“Aye,” Rayu replied. “Our guards have found a small encampment on the outskirts of the city that could have been used by a coven at one time, but now appears to be abandoned. His opinion is that if a coven is close, they are going to great lengths to evading detection.”

“And the child?”

“Still missing, but we have new conflicting statements from the family members. The father thinks the boy may have run away, but the mother insists he would no’ have.”

“What is the father’s reasoning?”

“He claims the boy dinna like helping around the house or in the field, has violent outbursts, and has threatened to run away on multiple occasions.”

“It does no’ matter what the reason is for his absence,” said Tristan. “The boy must be found.”

As they moved onto other, more tedious, matters, Tristan once more found his mind drifting to June. During their return trip, he had announced she would be staying with him in his estate room, to the surprise of most. Belinda had commented something about indecency, but she had held her tongue after he’d speared her with a savage gaze. His mother had not remarked at all, but she had always indulged him when he wanted something. Though, one evening when they were alone in the ship’s salon, she had asked him about his intentions toward the girl.

He’d assured her she needn’t worry. It was only a last fling—

Edel had simply patted his chest and issued a single warning. “Careful, my son, for the heart has a mind of its own, and when made up, it canna be reasoned with.”

Tristan did not feel as though his heart was in danger, yet June had been like a dream he hadn’t wanted to wake up from. But awake he was. He would not grow attached…more than he already was.

He wondered how she liked her apartment. Had the servants attended her yet? Perhaps she was relaxing in the pool as the sun glinted off all that supple skin. He practically knew every inch of her with his tongue. She had no bathing suit, but no matter. The pool was entirely private. She could dance naked under the moon and nobody would know. If he went up there now would he find her swimming laps…nude, waiting for him—

“Your Majesty?” Impatience registered.

“Yes! What is it, Prince Gideon?”

“How would you like to respond?”


“My cousin, King Hagan’s, message.” Prince Gideon was looking at him now, lips pursed, one brow lifted.

“Oh, uh—”

His mother came to his rescue. “Tell King Hagan we thank him for his kind words and congratulations on his daughter’s recent marriage.”

Tristan gave his mother a grateful glance, determined to stay present for the remainder of the meeting. He perched his chin on his fist as Gideon began to air his concerns about the recent rumors that have been circulating about Tristan and his father, which was a topic Tristan really should be paying closer attention to. June had suggested he do some kind of press release, whatever that was. Why was he finding it so hard to focus, anyway? Because of one little human female? Ridiculous. Of course he could fight the temptation of envisioning all that supple skin sliding out of that water to greet him, so slippery and wet. Were he there, she might smile and crook her little finger at him and then—

“Your Highness?” Prince Gideon asked. “Is there a problem?”

Dammit! Now what did I miss?

His mother placed her hand on his forehead. “Oh my. I believe all the travel has made you ill, my son. Would you like to excuse yourself and leave me to speak in your stead?”

Though he felt perfectly fine, his mother’s suggestion was wise. He needed to get out of here before he made a fool of himself and revealed how truly preoccupied he was with the little human. “That would be fine, Mother. Thank you. Forgive me, my lords.”

Though he felt guilty for shirking his duties, he grinned as he closed the chamber door behind him and found Tenji in the kitchen, putting the final touches on tonight’s menu. “Change of plan,” he said, and explained how this evening was going to go. Then he hurried toward the object of his obsession.

When he knocked on June’s door, he heard a mumbled, “Come in,” but she sounded odd. Almost as if she were in distress.

He flung the door open and found her face up, sprawled on the floor by a set of service carts.

He skidded to her side. “June! What’s wrong?”

“Desserts,” she moaned. “Too delicious. I couldn’t stop myself. Soooo full.”

The knots in his stomach released and he chuckled.

“Don’t laugh,” she chided dramatically, though there was teasing in her expression. “I’m dying.”