“I’m sure that isn’t true.” Dying people didn’t smile such adorable little smiles. Working his arms under her body, he scooped her up and carried her toward the couch where he sat, positioning her on his lap.

Looking content, that sweet smile still in place, she curled her body into his and brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. “Hi.”

Something fierce ignited in his chest, ancient and primal, nearly knocking the breath from his lungs. Later he would recognize this moment. Later he would cherish it always. For this was the moment he lost his heart to her completely.

Laying her head against his shoulder, she slipped her hand up his torso and around the back of his neck, playing with the fine hairs of his nape. The sensation was exquisite. His body melted and he held her closer, never wanting to let her go.

“Mmm,” she murmured. “You smell good.”

“You smell of sweets and sparkling wine.”

“It’s not my fault. Blame the chef. Everything was laced with crack.”

Though he didn’t know what crack was, he could tell she was being facetious. “I’m sure she will be most pleased that you enjoyed her food.”

“She’s a goddamned food wizard.”

“Would you like to spend the rest of the day with me?”

She perked up, but was still in a teasing mood. “I don’t know. I’m pretty busy.”

He leaned in and ran his nose along the line of her collarbone, taking in her delectable scent. “What if I took you flying?”

Her words came out on a shudder. “Do you mean in a craft or…”

He shook his head. “You can ride on my back.”

She pulled back to look at him fully. “Is that safe? What if I fall?”

“I’m told it’s easier to stay on than one might imagine. And I will take it easy. No midair flips.”

She bit her lip, considering his offer for a moment…a long moment, curious yet tentative. “Apparently I’ll try anything once, but can I just see how it feels first? To be on top of you.”

His cock jerked at her choice of words.

A blush eased into her cheeks. “Yikes. That sounded dirty. You know what I mean.”

“Of course. And for the record, I would love to have you on top of me. Dragon or no’.”

She admonished him with a light slap to his chest, yet her giggle said she enjoyed this banter. But once they were out on the balcony, she turned pensive.

“I won’t take off until you tell me it’s okay. Simply get off if you decide you’re too afraid. And if you decide mid-flight you want to stop, you have but to tell me and I will land, and we will simply return to the castle on foot.”

She nodded at his instructions, rolling her hands over one another.

“Do you have any questions?”

“Will you be able to talk when you’re a dragon?”

“We understand spoken language just fine, but our vocal cords are not as developed in dragon form. Simple words can be managed, but conversation would be difficult. Usually we don’t bother talking in dragon form anyway. We rely more on body language and instinct. Anything else?”

“Can you breathe fire?”

“Aye. If needed.”

“Will you still be…yourself?”

“For the most part. My mind becomes slightly more primitive, baser instincts become more acute, but I’m still me.”