Page 17 of Dangerous Liaisons

“This is not the end of this, Leilani, you know?”

I interrupt him. “Ohana means famiglia; you don't have to remind me. Seriously,” I fume.

“Fuck! You are such a pain in the ass!” Mano stomps down the hall.

“Ugh!” I shout into the empty room. I have a feeling I need to watch my path tomorrow when I meet Simon. I wouldn't put it past Mano having a soldier on me for no reason at all other than he's a control freak.


When we arrive at the hotel, I smile that Simon booked us two rooms. We didn't talk about it, but it's sweet he didn't assume I was just going to stay with him. I'm not ready to admit that I wouldn't have balked over having just one room together. I can't help but be a mix of nervous and giddy over the possibility of sleeping with him. He doesn't know it yet, but I'm a virgin. I wonder if he'll be turned off by that. I put the thought aside as we go to settle in our rooms. In about an hour, we plan to take a tour of the Haleakala crater. I've never been, and I thought he'd enjoy a chance to hike. We'll explore and stay the night, maybe take in a lulu. I'm excited that we'll spend the next two nights on Maui's West Shore. I can't wait to kayak and snorkel and spend some time surfing. I'm an island girl, but I never get tired of the chance to be in the ocean, and I've not been to Maui for years. The last time was when my parents were alive, and before now, I was just too sad, but seeing it through Simon's eyes will be fun. I know New Zealand is probably incredible, but there is nothing like my islands.

A few hours later, Simon says, “you look happy.”

“I am.” I smile and take a drink of water.

“This was a fantastic idea,” he says, taking my water so I can get my camera out. I take some shots of the crater floor and the background of the sky. We're fortunate it's a clear day. I turn my camera to him, and he sticks his tongue out. I laugh. It feels so good I forget about the complications at home.

Simon moves in closer to me and kisses me softly. He steps away and proceeds to put the water bottle back in his pack. When he's done, I surprise him with a kiss of my own. It takes him a few seconds, but he follows along when I deepen the kiss.

I secure my camera, and we begin walking back on the dirt path along the hills. The only sound is our feet on the trail. It feels nice being here, just him and me. I'm in a good mood and realize as we're riding back on the shuttle that being around these tourists hasn't been a chore at all. I'm not always good with a lot of people around. Maybe it's because they're strangers or growing up with the whole haole vs. us mentality or that being with Simon and just letting go of that mindset has given me a sense of freedom. I wonder if I really ever thought that way to start with. I grab Simon's hand and smile at him sitting beside me.

He smiles back.


We've just eaten dinner and are watching the dancers while the beat of the music surrounds us. It's a nice night as we sit outside surrounded by tiki lights. I'm feeling drunk from all the wine I drank with our food.

“Do you want to join the dancers?” Simon teases.

“I'm all good.”

“Want to take a walk?” he asks.

“Sure.” I take his offered hand when he stands up from the table.

As we walk, I grab his inner arm at his elbow to feel his solid form. The stars are beautiful the further we get away from the leading lights. We walk to a quieter section by the hotel's mini garden. “These islands are spectacular. But I have to ask, have you ever thought about leaving?” Simon fills the silence between us.

“And go to the mainland?” I ask.

“No, more like traveling the world, maybe to Europe as a start?” he questions.

“Oh, well, I'd like to travel, but I've never given it any real thought in terms of a plan.” I put my head against his arm, feeling warm all over.

“I think you should consider it. Maybe even with me,” Simon says, putting his other hand on the one I have around his arm.

“Simon, do you think we can go to your room?” I'm suddenly feeling bold.

He pulls away from me a bit. “If that's what you want.”

“Oh yes, let's go.” I giggle.

When we get to Simon's room, I start to take off my sundress. I've got it halfway up my body when I hear Simon's voice say, “Whoa, wait until I get the door closed.”

I get the dress over my head and giggle as it drops to the floor. I notice Simon's eyes drink me in from head to toe. I'm not wearing a bra, and I see the hunger in his eyes. He takes two steps and is kissing me. The kiss is like none we've shared before; it's all hunger and need. I'm swooning from the intensity. I break apart from his mouth and move onto the bed, needing to steady myself. I'm not drunk, but the wine has made me a little lightheaded, or maybe that was the kiss.

Simon takes off his T-shirt, and with one flourish, his shorts and boxers are off and pooling at his feet. It's my turn to drink him in when my eyes go wide over his erection. I start biting my nail as I watch him come toward me; I’m lying on my back. Simon covers me with his body and grabs the hand I had up to my mouth. He kisses the top and puts it over my head as he retakes my mouth. I'm so lost in his scent and kiss that I moan. Simon starts kissing down my neck, slowly and when he gets to my nipple, he lavishes it with his tongue. When he kisses down my belly, I feel a nervous wave rock through me.

“Simon, there's something you should know,” I say quietly.