Page 14 of Dangerous Liaisons

“You look like you're in a good mood,” I say and take a sip of my tea.

“I saw Anna again last night, and you'd be amazed what that girl can do with her tongue,” Alec gloats.

“Spare me the visual, mate.” I laugh.

Alec's smile fades when he comes to the table with his own drink. “So, I hear you'll have a few extra guys with you on this trip to Hawai’i. I was going to volunteer.”

“Capo told us it's a huge farm, and it's going to take some muscle to neutralize the guards and torch the place,” I say.

“What are you doing now, genius?” Alec motions to the laptop.

“My algorithm is working brilliantly, and the accounts I have the money routing to are filling up.” I grin.

“Fine, but don't get greedy. I know your father deserves what's coming to him, but the goal is for you to make it out of all this,” Alec warns.

“We'll both be getting out of this. You will be set for life, and I will go off into the sunset, satisfied my mother's death has been avenged.” I smile and spread my hands behind my neck, happy to be closer to my goal.


The farm is quiet as the four of us descend; it's two a.m. and the day shift workers have been gone for hours. Bruno and I take the guard tower as the others fan out to neutralize the armed men patrolling the grounds. When I peek through the glass door, I see two guards are playing a card game. I motion to Bruno, and he steps up and takes a look. He signals to me on the count of three. On three, he opens the door, and I shoot. I have a silencer on my gun, so there is only a soft ping sound. Neither guard has time to react before I've got them both slumped in their chairs. I've been shooting since I was a kid on my famiglia's estate, and in recent years I've honed my targeting skills to precision.

As we reach the ground, Alec and Joe are running toward us.

“Get your masks on. Let's do a final sweep of the buildings. Joe, go back to the jeep and get the flamethrower,” Bruno barks.

Before we drive away, masks still on to ensure we don't get high off the blaze, I look back and feel sad that so much product had to be destroyed. I'm not much of a pot smoker these days, but it still makes me sad.

When we reach the private airfield, I head to the helicopter cockpit to start my checks. Alec joins me in the co-pilot seat. Bruno and Joe are taking care of the vehicle.

“How much do you think all that was worth,” I ask.

“Easily five million,” Alec says. “But we've done more than that. It's not going to be easy using that land again any time soon.”

“So, the Kalama brothers are going to have a horrible morning,” I say, thinking about Leilani and wondering how this will affect her. I feel a slight tinge of guilt for my part in wreaking havoc on her famiglia's livelihood.

Chapter 12


I wake with a start when I hear a commotion outside my window. I look out, and I see all three of my brothers on the patio having a heated conversation. Each looks tense and mad as hell. The whiskey bottle on the table is half empty. I check the clock and realize it's eight in the morning.

I grab my robe, run to the bathroom, and swish some mouthwash, grabbing a band to put my hair up. When I get to the French doors, I can't believe my ears.

“This is fucking war,” Mano growls, kicking the patio chair.

“What is going on out here?” I ask. I can feel my eyes widen. My brothers look like hell, as if they've not slept in days. I can't remember the last time I've seen them. It seems every time I come home, they're either out or locked away somewhere in the mansion.

“Go away, Leilani,” Bane calls over his shoulder. I notice he's been shoving his fingers through his hair because it's standing on end.

When I see Kayl, I want to run over to him and give him a hug, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks haggard.

“Not until you tell me what's wrong. Don't pretend as if it's obvious there isn't something horribly wrong.” I put my hands on my hips. I can be a stubborn bitch when I want to be, and they all damn well know it.

Kayl answers, “Our pot farm on Hawai’i has been destroyed.”

“How?” I ask. I knew about the farm; of course, the product was shipped to the mainland to go into legal dispensaries, which apparently was more lucrative than selling on the streets like back in the day.

“We believe it's the Kapulets. We've had two other attacks recently where cash was stolen, or property was destroyed,” Kayl confirms.