Page 13 of Dangerous Liaisons

“I lived in the UK until I was eleven and spent the rest of my time in New Zealand.” he says, reaching for a piece of salami.

“Wow, so that explains why you know how to surf.”

“Definitely. One of my favorite places to surf is Propellers. Though I surfed all over New Zealand and Australia,” he says, taking some cheese.

I grab an apple slice. “What took you to New Zealand?”

“Boarding school and I went to uni there too,” he says without further explanation.

Something is relaxing about being in his company. I haven’t decided if that's because of him or just the laid-back day we've been having.

“My brother wanted me to go to college, but I wasn't interested in anything enough to pursue it. I do like photography and took some classes.”

“Did you bring your camera with you today?”

“No, I didn't think of it. But I recently decided to take it back up again. I've been deejaying for a while, but it's not that fun anymore,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

“Oh, why not?”

“I don't know. I guess I get bored easy.” I lean back on my hands and enjoy the ocean breeze on my face.

“On our next date, you'll have to bring your camera. You can show me all the great places to see on the islands.” Simon winks.

“Next date, huh?” I roll my eyes.

“Don't pretend like you're not having fun, Leilani,” Simon says my name with a soft undertone. This guy makes me feel things at my core. I barely know him, and I'm not ready to respond to his flirting, so I change the subject.

“So, what's an educated, world traveling, haole doing in Oahu?”

“What's up with natives and this haole thing?” Simon leans forward and touches my cheek. I feel heat rush to the spot and hold back a shiver when he caresses my skin before pulling his hand back.

“Are you serious?” I laugh.

“Well, yeah, it seems to be a big deal here.” Simon quirks his brow.

“I don't know. Maybe it's like asking an alligator why it has to share the everglades with pythons.”

“So, you're saying I'm an alien in your land?” Simon asks.

“Exactly,” I say, jumping up from the blanket.

“Where are you going?” Simon frowns a little.

“Let's pack all this backup and head to the rocks. It's so beautiful here. You'll not want to miss the chance to see everything before we head back.” I smile and grab his backpack.

Half an hour later, we're standing on the rocks overlooking a different part of the beach, and as I thought, two sea lions are basking in the sun.

“Your right. This place is breathtaking,” Simon shouts over the crash of the waves hitting the rocks.

I turn to him and am about to speak when I feel his lips on mine. The gesture is soft as he moved away a few inches to look into my eyes. Whatever he sees encourages him to kiss me again. This time, I feel his tongue touch mine. He pulls me closer as he explores my mouth. I'm so caught up in the feeling that I don't notice I'm matching him stroke for stroke. I hate to admit I don't have a lot of experience, but Simon doesn't seem to see, and his hands glide down my back, and before I know it, I'm flush against him, his hands on my ass. I feel all of him, and it startles me. I break the kiss and am breathing heavily. Simon looks into my eyes, and I can see the question in his as if he's making sure I'm okay. I smile to reassure him, but I don't want to voice what spooked me. Instead, I take his hand and start walking back. He doesn't say anything and follows. One thing is for sure, Simon is a gentleman, and I'm relieved. Not that I expected him to be an asshole, but this is so new to me, and we just met. I am attracted to him that I can't deny, but I need to breathe my own air for now.

Chapter 11


Leilani intrigues me; one minute, she's curious and bold, and the next, she's bashful. I don't know what to make of her, but I don't want to stop seeing her. Even if I'm in the middle of a revenge plot. Leilani finally gave me her phone number after our date, and I just texted her. I want to see her again after I get back from Hawai’i. I just learned that the Kalama's have an extensive pot farm on the big island, and Bruno and I were tasked with destroying it. I couldn't wait to get it over with, to be honest. All this shit with the Kalama's was just a means to an end for me. I just wanted my father to trust me. The more he did, the sweeter it would be when I revealed my true purpose for being here.

Alec comes through my front door without knocking. I look up from my laptop and notice he's smiling.