Page 10 of Dangerous Liaisons

Mano greets me on the stairs. He looks like he's just finished a swim. It's barely six in the morning, and I was hoping to get to the beach without seeing anyone. Not that it's a problem, but in the morning, I don't like to talk to anyone if I can help it, especially this early. I'd not been able to sleep and wanted to get rid of some of this restless energy.

“Where are you off to?” Mano asks without smiling.

“Nowhere special.”

Mano rolls his eyes. “Gee, I wonder if you're going surfing?”

“What if I am?” I pause on the stairs and glare at him.

“You need responsibility, Sister. It's time Bane looks into a viable marriage option for you,” Mano suggests.

I raise my voice. “You're a chauvinist dick! I will not be married off. Do yourself a favor and look at a damn calendar; this isn't 1850.”

I’m pissed that Mano would even entertain the notion that I'd agree to an arranged marriage. First, if my brothers want me to be responsible, then it damn sure won’t be by them saddling me to a man I don't even know. I may consider a position in the famiglia but even that's suspect. I enjoy the deejay thing, but it's not as fun as it once was. I'm thinking of picking up my camera again. I took classes and even started a portfolio a few years back. My problem is I get ideas and run after them, but they often lose their appeal. I've been feeling restless for a while now, if I'm being honest. Maybe I should travel for a bit and take photos. There are tons of opportunities for freelance work.

I'm lost in thought and don't notice Bane standing a few steps away from me. “What the hell is all the yelling about? It's barely light outside,” he grumbles, fixing his cuff link.

I snap my head toward him and see the dark shadows under his eyes. Maybe I'd feel sorry for him for whatever is stressing him out, if I wasn't so annoyed.

“Tell this barbarian that I will not be traded off to a man like I'm nothing more than the famiglia cow.” I’m mad as hell and would love to tear this place apart in an epic tantrum. Somehow the visual of that calms me down because the thought of that makes me want to laugh. I refrain though because I have a point to make.

Before Bane can answer, Mano pipes up, “I merely suggested our sister needed direction. She's going surfing. Seems to be all you do is waste your time on frivolous things.”

“Fuck off, Brother.” I stomp my way down the stairs.

I know it's not the most mature response, but I'm not something to solve. Last I checked, all my brothers enjoy surfing as much as I do. It's not my fault they're workaholics. Our famiglia could get out of the game if they wanted to. Or simply rely on our legit businesses that have firm foundations. I know we're not hurting for money, nor have we been for a generation or more.

Instead of heading to the beach on our property, I drive to Simon's spot. Initially, I was going to ignore it on principle. It's not that I didn't have fun the other day, but Simon was so smug about me coming back. I'm stubborn and don't like to lose. The pettiness of that thought isn't lost on me. Driving with the top off, I relax and jam out toSuspicious Minds.

It's such a glorious morning as I head down to the water. The sky is blue, the sun is shining with minimal clouds. I take some time to wax my board, and when I look out at the horizon, I see several fins; after a moment, a dolphin flips in the air. Looking over my shoulder, I wonder if Simon is up yet. My plan is not to knock on his door, though I’m tempted. It may be silly, but I don't want him to think he's the reason I came back here. The sooner he realizes he does nothing for me, the better off he'll be. When I head into the waves, the serenity of the water's movements calms me, and I feel like I've come home. I lose myself completely.

My stomach grumbles when I come back to shore. The sun has risen higher in the sky, so I'm guessing I've been here a long time. I'm tired but also feeling really good. The cottage is sitting still, and I'm disappointed Simon isn't out there. I expected him to crash my peace. Against my better judgment, I decide to knock on his door. The cottage is modest, and I'm guessing it's just a one-bedroom. The wood is worn, and it looks like it could use a new coat of paint. The view from the deck is magnificent, and it's clear to see why someone would want to own this place.

When I knock, I don't hear anything. I peer into one of the windows, but it's hard to make out the room beyond. Whether it's out of curiosity or something I can't explain, I reach down for the doorknob and find the door locked. The disappointment rushes through me quickly, and I step back, laughing. What is wrong with me? I don't even know this guy; why in the hell am I trying to hang out with him again?Because you're lonely, the voice in my head reasons. Ugh, those thoughts will do me no good. Besides, I need no one.

I've made up my mind to go, feeling glad that Simon isn't here after all. As I pivot toward the sand, I run right into a hard surface.

The rumble of his laugh is the first thing I notice. The definition of his muscles underneath his shirt is the second, “Did you miss me?”

“Don't be ridiculous,” I stammer, stepping back to get out of his personal space.

Simon smiles at me. When I take in his outfit, it takes everything I have to keep my mouth from hanging open. He has on an expensive dark suit with a royal blue button-down shirt. His shoes gleam under the sandy particles that have collected on the surface. His eyes are drinking me in as he sweeps them up and down my body. I shiver from the perusal. Damn, this haole is hot as hell, and this is not the first time I've noticed it either. My cheeks heat when I notice he isn’t alone. There is another guy with him.

“It's nice to see you, Leilani,” he chirps in that posh accent. “This is my best friend, Alec Winters.”

“It’s good to meet you,” Alec smiles at me and reaches out his hand to shake mine, which I ignore.

What the fuck is it about hot guys with accents? They both could be wearing paper bags, and all they’d have to do is open their mouths, and they’d have followers licking at their feet. I shake my head to try to clear the Pied Piper image.

My silence must linger because Simon asks, “What do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Umm, nothing, I'm good. I was just leaving,” I stammer, embarrassed.

Simon doesn't move, and I feel caged in by his beautiful body. I can feel the heat in my cheeks, and there is nothing more annoying to me than feeling flustered. He just continues to smile at me.

“Could you move already?” I huff.

“Your wish is my command, love.” He turns to the side, so there's room for me to walk past. His arm is stretched out as he slightly bows his body forward.