Page 11 of Dangerous Liaisons

I stomp past them both, feeling as dignified as a two-year-old having a tantrum over not getting to play with their favorite toy. What is it with the men in my life today making me feel childish? Ugh, the men in my life.Simon is not in my life. My inner voice chastises me.

“Leilani,” Simon calls after me.

I stupidly turn around, putting a hand on my jutted-out hip. I realize quickly that I’m trying to look sexy and straighten up, wringing my hands, still flustered. I'd run back to my car if I could do it eloquently, but that’s a hopeless thought.

“Why don't you come over on Sunday. I'll take you for a picnic. We can take my helicopter. You pick the spot. I think it would be nice to get away for a bit, don't you?” Simon's eyes are bright. I swear his smile is even brighter than before.

“You have a helicopter?” I ask in surprise. “Maybe Oliver Twist isn’t the right nickname for you than.”

Alec starts laughing, bending over slightly touching his knees. I didn’t think my Oliver Twist remark was that funny.

“Yes, and I'm a licensed pilot, so it will just be you and me.” He takes off his suit jacket, smiling widely.

“What time?” I ask without thinking it through. Maybe I hit my head on the reef, and this isn't really happening.

“How about around ten a.m.?” Simon asks. “Maybe then you'll be willing to give me your phone number, too?”

“Don't count on it.” I turn and walk away, picking up my board on the way and definitely do not look back at him.

Chapter 9


It's nine o'clock on Saturday night. Later, I'll be meeting Bruno to steal the Kalama cash being delivered to the car dealership. We got the word out that Victor took a few days to go to a convention in Las Vegas so that the Kalama's wouldn't get suspicious and change their plans. We also sent Victor's famiglia to Disneyland in California. The setup was perfect. Victor's wife believed it was a surprise gift from her husband because he got called out of town unexpectedly. The airline tickets and hotels were all in place, and we had someone pose as Victor, so if anyone checked out the backstories, they'd see the trail. Poor Victor was fish food somewhere in the deep ocean by now. So, no one would immediately miss Victor.

When Alec comes in, he's wearing a grim expression. I've been coding on my laptop for the last hour.

“Why do you look like your puppy died?” I ask Alec as he sits across from me at the table.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Alec asks seriously, his eyes boring into mine.

“I'm sure. Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, I'm in this with you, but after this, you can't go back.” Alec sits back in his chair as he places the device on the table in front of him.

“Believe me, my feelings have not changed. As to the money I'll be diverting, no one will notice. Even if by some chance they do, they'll never figure out where it's gone or who is stealing from them. But if you don't want to be involved, I get it. I can also work out the security myself. You installing that device on Henry's computer to get me the passcodes can be destroyed. It was just a way to get in faster.” I want to give Alec a chance to back out of this. This has never been his fight.

Alec stands up, leaving the device on the table. “I'll catch up with you later.”


One of the tech guys who works for the organization put the car dealership's cameras on a loop. The Kalama lackey delivered the money around midnight. We let him leave without incident because we don't want the Kalama's to know the money has been messed with for a few days. When Victor never shows back up is when the discrepancies are going to be noticed.

I stand down the hall and keep watch while Bruno heads to Victor's office, using the key we lifted from his things. Bruno is a man of few words, and he’s incredibly talented at safe cracking. I don't know how he honed his skills. Apparently, he had a rather colorful past before being recruited by the Kapulet's.

Five minutes later, Bruno is making his way down the hallway. He nods at me as he exits the building. I move toward the east entrance and follow. I meet up with Bruno at the Lexus we drove to the lot. As we're leaving, I text the tech on the burner phone to let him know he can reset the camera feeds and the door locks. It's refreshing that we got the dirty money without a peep.

Bruno drops me off in the parking deck of my father's condo building. I make my way up to the penthouse apartment. Even though it's three in the morning, my father is at his desk in his study. He's in a white button-down dress shirt that is rolled up to his elbows with several buttons unclasped. This is about as casual as I’ve ever seen my father.

I come into the room without a word and put the duffle bag on the floor against the wall.

“Any problems tonight, Simon?” my father asks. He's been away from the UK for a long time, but he hasn't lost the distinctness of his accent.

“No issues.”

“Bruno tells me you did well with Victor Mahoe.” My father gives me a small smile.

I don't respond; I'm eager to get out of here. I'm not sure why my father wanted me to drop off the money. The standard procedure would be someone like Bruno, one of the higher-ranking soldiers, would work through the Capo on this acquisition.