“Oh my God. You’re insane. And I might kill you if you try.”

She huffs dramatically, then bursts into laughter.

“I’m dead already as long as I’m here. One of us might as well have some enjoyment.”

“What do I do?” Standing, I begin pacing the room.

She bites her cheek in thought.

“For starters, you can’t wear that. It screams prude.”

I narrow my eyes at Stacey’s appraisal.

“If you want him to make a move, you have to look the part. Think vixen, not virgin.”

Grimacing, I head to the wardrobe to see what I can find. Scanning through the options, I see there isn’t a lack of lewd garments. I select a blood-red corset dress. When I lift it to show Stacey, she nods ardently.

“That’s more like it.”

I internally cringe, not liking this one bit, but unwilling to lie to myself anymore. Julian is what I want, and if putting my assets on display will help, I’ll give it a shot.

“Help me into it,” I bark.

Once it’s on and she’s tied up the corset bodice, I take a look in the mirror and gasp at my reflection. It hugs my middle and pushes up my already ample breasts. If hussy is what we are going for, I nailed it.

“Oh God.” I bellow. “What if he laughs at me? I can’t—I won’t.”

“You’ll be fine,” Stacey promises. “The whole point of this was to help your chances.”

“I’m serious, Stacey. I don’t even know what to do. He’d be so disappointed.” My cheeks flush pink and my hand comes to my forehead to stave off the impending headache.

“Let’s hope you rise to the occasion and don’t embarrass yourself.”

“That’s reassuring,” I cry.

“There’s a chance that sex is just sex for him. There’s a chance he might not break you in half,” she snickers.

“Oh my God. I didn’t even think of that. He’s not a man, Stacey. He’s supernatural.”

“He has the right parts, he’s a man.”

The thought of Julian and said parts has my face heating.

“He seems gentle with you, Marina. You’ll be fine.”

She isn’t wrong. Julian has been very careful with me. He’s even sworn to protect me. I trust that he’d never do anything to hurt me.

“What if he bites me?”

“Then there’s that. I don’t know. Knee him and run like hell. Pray you can get away.”

“I’m serious. I don’t want to be a vampire.”

Yet another reason we are doomed. She grabs my shoulders and turns me to face her square on. “Do you think he’d take that choice away from you?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Then just live in the moment and stop worrying about things you can’t control.”