A knock sounds at the door, followed by a boisterous voice that can be none other than Katina. “Ladies,” she draws out. “I hope you’ve had fun, but the Crown wishes to dine with Miss—” She stops talking and narrows her eyes in my direction. “What in the hell are you wearing?”

Stacey snorts.

“A dress?”

“No, dear child, that is no dress. The appropriate amount of fabric required for a garment to be considered a dress is missing from that”—she gestures wildly to the dress—“frock.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“Are you trying to seduce Satan?” Katina’s lips thin into a straight line as she wobbles her head back and forth.

“The jury’s still out on that one,” I admit.

Stacey is practically rolling on the floor in tears. Katina looks horrified, and I suddenly feel foolish. What the hell was I thinking? I’m not cut out to put the moves on anyone, especially not the king of vampires. Kissing I can handle. Seduction—no.

“Do I have time to change?” I say, deflated.

“You’re not changing. You look great. Go knock his canines out,” Stacey cheers, eliciting a scowl from Katina.

“I don’t even want to know what all this is about,” Katina scolds.

“Just take me to him.”

I’m eager to see him after last night, and desperate to get out of this stuffy room. More importantly, I want to see Julian’s reaction to this dress.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I reach the backyard, Julian’s back is turned to me.

“Hello, Julian,” I say, standing tall and forcing my nerves to disappear.

Julian turns, and I hold my breath as his eyes sweep over me from head to toe. Everything around us blurs into black and white. He steals the color from everything around him.


My name has never sounded so sensual. All the hairs on my arms stand at attention, electrified by the caress of his eyes.

“Wow—I don’t know what to say.” He steps forward until there are only inches separating us. “You’re beautiful.”

My cheeks warm at the compliment.

“But what are you wearing?”

And just like that, all my nerves are back full force. My shoulders slump and I blow out a breath, my hand coming up in aI don’t have a freaking cluegesture.

“Stacey dressed me.”

He chuckles.

“That makes sense. It doesn’t look like anything you’d choose.”

My bottom lip juts out in a pout and my eyes fall to my feet. Julian stands in front of me and lifts my chin with his finger.

“Hey. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he offers. “You look stunning, Marina. Dangerously stunning,” he grits through his teeth, as though he’s in pain.

My eyes meet his and I see the heat pooling behind his eyelids. He’s affected... by me.

“But you said—”