He quirks a smile at that. “I have no doubt. Your ability of persuasion is unlike anything I’ve seen in all my years.”

I chuckle at the playfulness in his words. Something is different. It’s not just him, but with me. My walls are still surrounding me, but they’re lowering inch by inch, with every second I spend here. Maybe it’s foolish, but I can’t help it. I’m thankful for what he’s done for me.

He steps toward me and my breath hitches. The closer he gets, the more it feels as though the oxygen is being sucked out of the room. My heart is thudding in my chest, and tingles cause the hairs on my arms to stand at attention.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He simply nods.

“I’m sorry I’ve been absent. There was much to do.” He bites his lower lip, and flutters begin in my belly. I’m a live wire buzzing with energy.

“I— Um. It’s fine.”

I’ve been reduced to a blubbering idiot. My eyes close as I try desperately to get a grip. When I open them, Julian is staring at me, a smile lighting his face.

“I’ll be around tomorrow, and I’d like for us to spend some time together.” He looks expectantly at me, as though I might refuse.

“I’m at your whim,” I say nonchalantly, but Julian cringes.

“Shall I serve her breakfast early, Sir Crown?” Katina asks, poking her head back in the room. I giggle at the exasperated look Julian throws her way.

“That would be great, Katina. Thank you.”

She bows and exits the room again.

“Katina is always... interesting.” His brow quirks and a small smirk graces his cheeks, showcasing his dimples.

A laugh escapes my lips.

“That she is,” I agree. Our eyes meet and warmth spreads up my neck. Everything stills, and I can’t pull my gaze from Julian. Breathing shallowly, I force my head to turn away from him, feeling suddenly claustrophobic.

Julian clears his throat.

“I have business to attend to, but I brought you a present.” His words come out sounding shy, unsure even.

“You did?” My head tilts to the side, a half smile lifting one side of my mouth.

He nods, smiling back.

“I’m sorry it took me so long, but when I make you a promise, Marina, I swear I’ll do my best to keep it.” He turns to go. “Bash,” he calls. “Bring her in.”

My nose scrunches in confusion, but before I have a chance to question anything, the door opens and Stacey walks in. I gasp.

Stacey runs toward me, arms stretched wide, while Katina follows with covered trays. She places it on the table and exits the room without another word.

Stacey and I embrace for several minutes before either of us speaks.

“Are you okay?” I hold her shoulders at arm’s length, so I can inspect her neck for any bites.

Her neck is bandaged, signaling she hasn’t fared as well as I have.

“No.” Her words are broken. “He’s a monster, Marina.”

I nod my head, not knowing what to say.

“He drinks from you?”

“Every. Day.”