I stand up, feeling sick. “What do you mean?”

“See,” she says, motioning to me. “That’s exactly what I mean. You immediately jump to the wrong conclusions. I don’t know why I even bother.” She grabs a tray and goes to leave, but I rush to her side, needing her to finish.

“Please. Help me understand,” I beg. Her hard glare softens and eventually she smiles.

“He kept his promise. They’re both recovering and will soon be at the best addiction center in America.”

I stagger back, shocked. He said he would, but I never really believed him. Why would he?

“Why?” I ask, and Katina rolls her eyes.

“Because, little human, he’s not evil. There are many of us that aren’t.”

I’ve come to learn that about her. Spending the time together that we have lately, I’ve started to see her less as a vampire and more as a... friend.

“How do I repay him?”

She smirks. “It’s pretty simple really. Give him a chance. Stop looking at him like he’s the devil.”

My lips flatten in irritation. “I don’t.”

“You do.”

“I’ve had reason.”

“And now you have reason to give him a chance,” she says, smiling.

There’s a knock at the door. “Come in,” Katina calls out, and in strides Julian, stealing the air as he enters.

“Good morning, Marina.”

I haven’t seen in him days, and I almost forgot how breathtaking he is. Perhaps even more so, knowing what he’s done for my family. Everything that Katina said runs through my head, and although it’ll be a long road, I intend to try to give him the benefit of the doubt from here on out.

Julian is an enigma, a complete paradox. He’s beautiful and he’s shown me a kindness I’ve never experienced in all my life, yet he’s part of a world that’s ugly and cruel. He’s ruler of an evil kingdom, but no matter how many times I remind myself of this, it doesn’t seem to matter. He defies all odds and despite my resistance, I’m drawn to him.

“Good morning.” I grant him a small smile.

“I hope you slept well.”

“I did. Thank you.”

He seems perplexed by my lack of attitude. I’m sure it’s quite the change since the last time he saw me. We’d had a good day, but not without our fights.

“Katina,” he growls, and she yelps in response.

“Have you been gossiping today?”

Her eyes flit about the room, lashes batting uncontrollably.

I smother my laugh at her reaction to being called out.

“Sir Crown. I wouldn’t. I—”

He cuts her off. “You have. Leave us,” he orders, and she scrambles out.

“She told you.” It’s not a question.

“She did,” I admit. “But please go easy on her. I forced her into it.”