“Fuck off, Collins. He’s not an asshole,” Ty defended, but we both knew I kind of was. “Well, not all the time.”

I should maybe be offended, but I wasn’t.

“Dude…is he your boyfriend?” Watty asked.

Before Ty could answer, I said, “Jealous?” and cocked a brow.

“Fuck no. He’s my friend, and I’m straight.”

“Eh, your loss,” I replied.

“Be nice,” Ty warned.

“You don’t like it when I’m nice.”

“My mind is blown here,” the big one said. “I feel like we’re interrupting something.”

“You think?” I asked.

“Shut up,” Ty told me. Then to them, “I’d get up, but I have a boner right now. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

I had to admit, I liked that they didn’t give a shit that Ty swung both ways.

“What are you doing tonight?” Collins asked.

“We work,” Ty replied.

“And after?”

“I don’t know. I’ll hit you guys back.”

“Dude, we never hang out anymore,” Watty said.

Was this normal friends stuff? Manny and I were never like this with each other.

“We’ll chill. I promise,” Ty answered.

“Bro, we better. Friends before dick,” the largest one said.

“Aren’t you supposed to try and rhyme those?” I asked.


“Never mind.”

They literally fist-bumped Ty while he was between my legs. They said their goodbyes, his friends bailed, and Ty rolled off me. Both our cocks were pointing up. We looked down and laughed until my stomach hurt. It wasn’t something I’d ever done before him. I’d never enjoyed myself so much. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.



“Seriously, man? Asshole Bartender? He’s who you’ve been dicking down for weeks and stopped spending time with us for?” Collins asked the next morning.

Brax and I had hung out at the field for a little while longer before going our separate ways. When I’d gotten back to Adler House, my friends hadn’t been there. I ended up taking a nap before getting showered and dressed to go to work. I’d expected them to show up at the bar, but they hadn’t. Maybe it made me a dickhead, but I’d been glad because I knew this was exactly how they would respond. Any time one of us hung out with a person they were boning too much, it became a reason to talk shit—this was college, we were supposed to be having fun, not tying ourselves down, and so on. Not that I was tied to Brax, and none of us had dated anyone seriously, but I guessed it went back to my wanting to protect this thing Brax and I had. I liked it too much to give it up, and I worried that the more people got involved, the sooner that would happen.

But I also missed chillin’ with my boys, and a part of me wanted Brax to get to know them so he wouldn’t think they were bigger douchebags than they actually were; and also, so they wouldn’t think he was a bigger asshole than he actually was either.

How in the hell had I ended up in this situation?

“Clearly,” I replied, “considering you stopped us from going at it on the lacrosse field. Thanks for that, by the way. I’m too pretty to go to prison for public fucking.”

“I’m pretty sure it would just be jail,” Watty said.

“I’m too pretty for that too,” I teased. They’d all ended up in my room somehow, watching as I tossed clothes into a duffel.

Ford said, “Seriously, though. I’m not surprised the two of you fucked because there was some major sexual tension between you, but you’re with him a lot, and you sleep over there. That’s some boyfriend shit.” Ford scratched his head as if confused.

I couldn’t blame him because it was definitely boyfriend shit, and I didn’t think I would be opposed to that. “You know how that sounds, right? When you say boyfriend shit?”

They ignored me, Collins asking, “Are you serious about him?”

Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to answer that.

“What do you guys even have in common other than both of you liking dick?” Watty asked.

“You know there’s more to being queer than liking a certain body part, right? Plus, not all dudes have a dick. You’re coming off as a bit of an asshole.”

“You know that’s not what I meant. My sister is a polyamorous lesbian.”

“This girl I used to bone got off on MMF porn, and I’d watch it with her,” Watty added.

“Wow, way to take one for the team.” My friends were idiots.

Ford sighed. “Dude…all we’re trying to say is, if he’s your boy, we’re cool with it. If you wanna lock yourself down to one person, we might think you’re crazy, but we’ll have your back. Even if it is Asshole Bartender. You can bring him around. You don’t have to ditch us.”

Ugh. My friends were idiots with big hearts. I appreciated what they were doing. “Thanks. I’ll be better about hanging out, and I’ll see if I can drag Brax over.”