“No you don’t.” He walked over to me. “First, you should know by now that I’m extremely good at everything I do, and it’s basically impossible to be as good as me.” I gave him the finger. “Second, it takes practice, Mr. Grumpy Pants. I wasn’t this good when I started playing.”

I pouted. “I’m not grumpy.” We both knew that was a lie, but seriously, how the fuck was he so good at this game? “Show me how.”

“What will you give me if I do?” Ty waggled his brows.

“What do you want?”

He pretended to think, tapping his temple, then rubbing his chin while he looked up at the sky. “To go with you next time you visit Matilda.”

Oh shit. I hadn’t expected that. My mind had gone straight to the gutter, wondering about all the sexual things he could ask from me, but he wanted to visit my grandma? I waited for that to feel uncomfortable, for it to make me want to run and maybe swim out to sea and never come back, but it didn’t. I shrugged. “Done.”

“Also a blowjob, maybe somewhere public again. That’s always hot.”

“Don’t go getting greedy on me.”

“Getting? I always have been.” He wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Here, pull your arm back like this.” Ty danced his fingertips up and down my forearm. “Your grip is all wrong too. Try this.” Next, he helped me position my hands, still holding me from behind, his groin against my ass.

“You’re getting hard.”

“Can you blame me?”

“Not really. I have a great ass.”

When he laughed, his warm breath ghosted over my neck, making me tremble.

“It’s a lot of hand-eye coordination. The more you practice, the easier it will get. You’ll learn how hard to swing your arm.” He thrust his dick against me.

“I think I felt something, but I’m not sure.”

“Oh, fuck you.” Ty lowered his hands to my hips, pressing his erection tighter and rolling his hips. This wasn’t like me. I flirted and talked shit to him, yeah, but real-life PDA wasn’t my game. Yet when it came to him, I didn’t seem to care. “Throw it.”

I did…and it was a shitty one at that. Ty cracked up in my ear. “Fuck you.”

He let go, and I missed the contact, which was slightly unnerving.

We spent the next little while with Ty trying to teach me how to have any kind of aim, along with distance. It was annoying, and I sucked. I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to play this game, but I did get better as we went.

The next time he gave me the ball, I said, “Game back on.” Then ran for the goal.

“Fucker!” Ty called, chasing me. We were close enough to the net that he didn’t have time to catch up this time.

I pulled my arm back, hoping like hell I didn’t make a fool of myself. When I snapped it forward, the ball flew…and landed right in the net! “Fuck yes! I won. Looks like you have a little competition. Think they have room for me on the team?” I teased, just before Ty tackled me. He was careful with it, but we both went down, me on my back and him on top of me.

We were laughing. Our bodies shaking together like they were on the same wavelength, our vibrations just as addicted to each other as we seemed to be. I didn’t know what I was doing, why nothing felt the same with him, or why it didn’t matter that we were lying in the middle of the Kings’ lacrosse field, Ty between my legs, his laughter slowing while he just looked at me.

“That didn’t count,” he said softly.

“Yes, it did. Don’t be a sore loser. Though, look where it got you? I guess you didn’t lose.” I undulated my hips, rubbing our cocks together. How did he turn me into a totally different person? I didn’t get how he could make me want him so much. How he made everything more fun, made it better.

“And you say I’m the cocky one?” Ty lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine. I opened up for him, taking his tongue into my mouth, let him taste me and explore me like it was the first time and I was uncharted territory.

He groaned into me, thrust and deepened the kiss. I spread my legs more, wrapped my arms around him, tangled my hand in his hair. “I wish I could fuck you out here, right in the middle of this field. I’d take you hard and fast and make you come all over the grass.”

“Fuck,” Ty gritted out before kissing me again.

There was a good chance we could both come right then and there, but then we heard, “Um…what the fuck?”

We both stopped moving at the sound of the new voice. Ty looked up just as one of his friends added, “Him? Asshole Bartender is who you’ve been obsessed with and spending nearly every day with lately?”