Our eyes caught as Ty and a group of players and admirers walked by me. Our fingers brushed, and damned if the hairs on my arms didn’t stand on end, if goose bumps didn’t play chase across my skin, simply from the feel of his sweaty digits against mine.

“Wait for me, Sunshine,” he said softly, then kept going. He tossed me a glance over his shoulder, a wink and a smile.

I told myself I wasn’t going to wait, but I wasn’t believing my own lies anymore when it came to Ty.

I hung around until everyone was gone and I was starting to wonder if he was playing some kind of trick on me and had left me there. I was pacing, and I’d just turned in the direction of the locker room, when I saw him. He was still wearing his lacrosse uniform. He had two of the sticks with him, which gave me a bad feeling about where this was heading.

“Remember that time you came to watch me play, boyfriend?”

He’d been calling me that all week, ever since his mom had said it, and Jesus, I still couldn’t believe I’d video called with her. “Seems to me you want that to be true. You want me to be your boyfriend, Lacrosse?”

“Do you want me to want you to want to be my boyfriend?”

“Huh?” I laughed, Ty walking toward the field with me following. He set down one of the sticks and stopped.

“I have no idea if I said that right.” He was sweaty and had a smudge of dirt on his face. Somehow it just made him hotter. “I won the game for you. Did you like that?”

“You won the game for you.”

He crossed his legs and leaned against the stick still in his hand. “I won the game a little bit for you and a lot for me because I like attention and for people to praise me. You gonna tell me how fucking awesome I was?”

I shrugged. “You were all right.”

“You’re breaking my heart here,” he teased, smiling at me, and I was smiling at him, and why was my heart beating so fast? Why did my stomach feel like butterflies were throwing a party in my gut? “Play with me.”

Every fiber in my being told me to tell him no, to walk away. What the fuck did I want to run around playing lacrosse for? But instead, I said, “Bet I can score on you first.”

“You already did.” Ty winked, handed me the stick, then picked up the one on the ground.

He tossed the ball into the air, caught it, then started doing some…dribbling? I didn’t even know if that’s what it was called, but he threw the ball with the stick and caught it over and over. “Show-off.”

“Are you surprised?”

“Fuck no. How we doing this?” Because if I was playing with him, I was doing it right.

“This is called a short stick—”

“Your position plays with the short stick? How fitting.” Total lie because Ty was packing, but it earned me a swat on the ass with his short stick.

“You know that’s not true.” He grabbed his dick. “Back to what I was saying. Run your ass down field and try to put the ball in the net. Try being the keyword. I’ll stop you…maybe give you one more chance, and then it’ll be my turn. I’ll win. You’ll give me a celebratory blowjob, and that’s that.”

That was such a Ty thing to say.

“Catch.” Ty threw the ball to himself a couple more times before flinging it my direction. It was a whole lot harder than it looked to catch a ball in a small net on a stick. I raised it in the air but missed it.

“Again.” I picked it up and threw it to him. “Why is it so hard to get it in the net?”

“Scoop. Why am I not surprised you can’t handle it if you’re not good at something?”

“I don’t know, why are you? It’s not like you wouldn’t be the same.”

He did as I asked, and by the fourth time, I finally got the stupid thing in the scoop. Then? Then I started running.

“Cheater!” Ty called, taking off after me. The fast little fucker not only managed to catch up, but got ahead, blocking me from trying to score. I shuffled my feet, making a weak attempt to fake him out or get around him. A minute or so later I did, maybe because he let me, but I was gonna pretend I didn’t know that.

I pulled the stick back, thrust my arm forward, and…the ball flew way to the right. “What the shit? How do you throw with this thing?” Ty bent over, clutching his stomach and busting up. “I’m serious. How the fuck do you do it?” Ignoring him, I jogged to the ball, put it in the scoop, and tried again. I got distance on it but had no real aim. Over and over I kept practicing, Ty laughing the whole time. When I got annoyed and attempted to throw the ball at him, the asshole lifted his stick and caught it like it was nothing. “I hate you.”