Rosalie: Thanks for your concern, Oliver.

Oliver: No worries, Rosy. :)

Istared at his nickname for me and took a deep breath. I wasn’t ready to be all friendly and comfortable with Oliver again. I didn’t want him using nicknames with me, reminding me of the fact that we grew up together.

Rosalie: I’ll send you the flight info. Thanks.

Oliver: Just don’t bring too many My Little Ponies with you...

Rosalie: I’m 22...not 12.

Oliver: And??

Rosalie: I’m not a little girl anymore. I don’t play with My Little Pony anymore.

Oliver: I guess you’re into rabbits now?

Rosalie: Huh?

Oliver: Nothing. Don’t want to corrupt you.

Rosalie: Have a nice day, Oliver.

Oliver: See you soon, Rosy. I’ve missed you.

My heart thudded as I threw my phone down onto the mattress. What the hell did that mean? He missed me? Did he really miss me? Or was he just typing that to be polite? I wanted to scream. I felt like I was fifteen-year-old Rosalie obsessing over every little thing a boy said to me. Obsessing over what Oliver said to me. Fantasizing about him wanting to kiss me or take me on a date. Hoping he’d realize he loved me. Wanted to marry me. Have babies with me. It had been a child's fantasy. He hadn’t been interested in me at all, but that hadn’t stopped me from hoping. Until that night...and then I’d never spoken to him again. He had to realize I’ve deliberately been ignoring him? Hadn’t he?



"So what are you going to do when you see him?" my best friend Alice asked me as I waited on a bench in the airport for Oliver to pick me up.

"I don't know. I guess I'll say hello," I said, trying not to think about it too much. As if I hadn’t spent the past forty-eight hours obsessing over how our meeting would go.

"That's it? You're not going to tell him off?" She sounded surprised.

"What would I tell him off about, Alice?"

"Rosalie, this is Oliver Rose we're talking about."

"Yeah, I know it's Oliver Rose."

"And you hate him." The words sounded so matter of fact that I didn’t even flinch. Alice knew exactly why I hated him, and she also knew I’d had a crush on him.

"I know I hate him."

"And you're going to be living with him."

"Well, I'm going to be living with him and my brother."

"Same difference, Rosalie.” She paused, and I swore I could hear her thinking. How are you going to live with the man who made you cry for a week straight?

"Yeah, so?" I pretended to be clueless. I didn’t want to talk about the past. It was done, and I didn’t care about Oliver anymore.

"You haven't spoken to him in five years."

"And I wouldn't have spoken to him in a billion more years if I didn't have to. I can't believe my parents only gave me two options." I let out a deep sigh as I stared into the crowd of people, my heart racing. The truth of the matter was that I was not ready or prepared to see Oliver Rose again. He had been my brother's best friend since I was seven years old, and I'd always thought he was amazing. In fact, he'd been my first real crush. I had followed him and my brother around everywhere, and I'd daydream that one day we would be together. Until I was seventeen and the absolute worst thing happened. I hadn't seen him since, and I never wanted to see him.