“Aw, there’s my big bro I love.” I laughed. “I’ll let her know. Also, Foster...”

“Yes, Rosalie?”

“What did Oliver say when you told him that I was going to move in with you guys?”

“Nothing.” My brother sounded nonchalant. “He just nodded and said fine.”

“Oh okay.” Disappointment coursed through me, but I wasn’t sure why. Well, that was a lie. I knew why. Oliver James was the bane of my existence. The one who got away, even though we’d never dated. He had been my first crush, the subject of my first daydream, his was the name I always put in teen quizzes about who you’re going to marry when you get older. Oliver was the first man to make my heart race and, if I was honest, the first face in my mind when I fantasized about exploring sexually. However, Oliver hadn’t seen me like that. He’d thought that he was too good for someone like me. I wasn’t sure if he knew just how much I’d crushed on him, and I knew he didn’t know why I’d stopped talking to him, so it hurt somewhat to know that he hadn’t even asked any questions about why I was now allowing him back into my life.

“Why? What did you expect him to say?” Foster sounded confused.

“Well, seeing as I haven’t spoken to him in years, I figured he would have had something to say.”

“You haven’t spoken to him in years?” Foster sounded shocked. “What?”

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.” My voice rose in surprise and slight anger. “Oliver didn’t mention anything.”

“I don’t even think he knows.” Foster laughed. “Why haven’t you spoken to him?”

“I have to go,” I said quickly, questions coursing through my brain. How had neither of them noticed I’d been ignoring Oliver? I’d skipped Thanksgiving dinners and even a Christmas Day lunch just so I didn’t have to see him. He hadn’t even noticed? I was pissed. I’d hoped he’d been sad and depressed about my pointed avoidance.

“Um okay, well I will have…” Foster continued speaking, but I didn’t want to listen to him anymore. I was too upset. I took a couple of deep breaths and looked around my childhood bedroom, then walked over to my single bed and took a seat. I stared at a poster of Harry Styles on my wall. I’d been a huge One Direction fan, still was, but I didn’t admit it anymore. I lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. It felt weird being back home. It was comforting and homey, but I felt like I was regressing in life. I was twenty-two years old and already a failure. I had no idea where I was going in life. No idea what I wanted to do. And all I could think about was how upset I was that Oliver hadn’t even noticed that I hadn’t been in his life for years. Jerk! I pressed my lips together as I thought about him. Was I making a mistake by moving to New York? How would I feel being around him? How would he react when he saw me? I chewed on my lower lip, wondering what I would do if I saw him naked in the shower or something. I sighed and picked up my phone to text Alice when I saw I had an incoming text from Oliver. My heart froze as I sat up and opened it.

Oliver: Hey, Foster told me you’re moving in...and need me to pick you up?

Rosalie: I don’t need anything from you.

Oliver: So you have a ride from the airport?

Rosalie: I will get a taxi.

Oliver: You have $75 to waste on a taxi? I thought you were moving in because you’re a broke ass. :P

Rosalie: Very funny, Oliver.

Oliver: It’s a joke. Just send me the flight info, and I will be there.

Rosalie: Fine. Thanks.

Oliver: No worries. It will be good to see you. It’s been a while.

Rosalie: Has it?

Oliver: A few months or so...

I stared at his message and stuck my tongue out at the phone. There was no way in hell that he really thought it had only been a couple of months. Did he?

Rosalie: Yeah, something like that.

Oliver: You got a boyfriend?

Rosalie: What?

Oliver: Just wondering if we will be expecting visitors.

Rosalie: I will ask before I have anyone over.

Oliver: Just saying, you’re sleeping on the couch, so you won’t exactly have privacy...