“Willow is waiting downstairs, Baby Girl,” Jax says, opening the door and finding me nestled in amongst his friends. His lips quirk up in a smile at the sight of us. “Something about a wedding dress appointment?”
“Oh shit!” I exclaim, scrambling to get out from between the boys. “I’d completely forgotten about that!”
Yesterday, I’d messaged Willow, asking if she would come with me today to look at wedding dresses, and she jumped at the chance. I rush round Loki’s room, where we all stayed last night, grabbing my clothes and getting dressed. I had a bubble bath before bed, so I still feel fairly fresh, and frankly don’t have the time to shower now.
“Catch you guys later.” I hurry over, kissing Kai first, then Loki. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” I wink at them, causing both of them to chuckle in response.
I’m only teasing them. We spoke about the new development in their relationship yesterday, and they both decided that they enjoy each other sexually, but would find it weird if I wasn’t there too. I did assure them that if they wanted to play without me that was okay, but they just looked at each other, and shrugged, again saying they would rather I was there. I’m not going to complain, it’s like having my own male on male porn show with front row seats.Hot as fuck!
I kiss Jax when I reach the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my thermos and a homemade granola bar that he holds out for me.
“The car is waiting for you girls,” he tells me, Ash being with his parents again this weekend. I hate that he has to keep going there, especially with what I know about, and have experienced firsthand with Julian.
“Morning, babe,” Willow says, laughing at my no doubt flustered appearance. “I bet those boys kept you so busy with the D that you forgot. Tell me I’m wrong!” She laughs as my face goes red, remembering what happened yesterday.
“Something like that,” I respond with a chuckle, grabbing my phone and purse as we head out of the door.
“I need all the deets, like yesterday!” she begs, linking her arm through mine as we exit the front doors to find a limo waiting for us.Nice touch, Jax.“My love life is shit, nonexistent at best.”
She huffs and it’s my turn to laugh. I know that she’s waiting for the right person to lose her V card to, so she isn’t actually that desperate to jump into bed with just anyone.
I look up as the driver gets out, coming round our side to open the door for us. A blush steals across my cheeks as I meet the blue eyes of Tom, the driver that took Loki and I to the airport and...yeah. Willow gets in, but my steps falter as he continues to stare at me. Not in a creepy way, but there’s an intensity to his stare that makes me pause.
“Hello, Tom,” I greet him, and he blinks as if from a daydream. “Can I, uh, help you with something?”
“Apologies, Miss Darling. You just remind me of someone I used to know,” he replies, shaking his head and giving me a small smile. “Congratulations on your engagement.”
“Uh, thanks,” I say, ducking my head as I climb in the car, shaking my head at that strange encounter, putting it from my mind.
As we make our way into town, I give her a rundown of what happened after we caught up with Loki, her eyebrows getting higher with each word.
“Fuck me,” she sighs, fanning her face. “Talk about hashtag-livingthedream.”
I smile, even though my face is hot and I know that I’m blushing redder than a whore in church. She’s right, I am living the dream.
The car comes to a stop, and I look out the window to see that we’re outside a very upmarket looking bridal shop. It has a quaint feel about it, being in one of the older buildings, so it doesn't feel sterile like some I’ve seen and expected this one to be.
A bell above the door tinkles as we open it, and a woman in her late forties approaches us, a kind smile on her face, and a tape measure around her neck.
“Welcome,” she greets us, looking incredibly attractive in a grey pencil skirt and white blouse, a red silk scarf tied around her neck and her dark hair in an updo. “You must be Lilly. My name is Jen, and I’ll be helping you today.”
“Pleased to meet you, Jen,” I smile back, butterflies taking flight in my stomach now that I’m here, surrounded by a sea of white and cream lace. “This is my friend and chief bridesmaid, Willow.” I indicate Willow, who looks back at me with shock in her eyes.
“I am?” she asks, her wide eyes a little misty.
“Of course, if you want to be that is?” I ask, a little hesitantly.
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” she squeals, throwing her arms around me. She pulls away after a quick hug, wincing and looking over at Jen. “Sorry, mum always said I have a sailor’s mouth.”
Jen just laughs, holding her hand out towards a younger girl, who steps forward with a tray. On it sit two flutes of bubbling champagne. I’m reminded of the Halloween party and the fact that being rich clearly allows underage drinking.
“I’ve heard worse,” she chuckles. “Champagne?”
“Oh, um, I can’t, because, um, I’m pregnant,” I stutter out, her face showing no shock or judgement. A breath of relief whooshing out of me at her lack of negative reaction.
“Amelie, something soft for Lilly, please,” she asks the younger girl, who smiles, letting Willow take a glass before heading to the back of the shop, and disappearing through a door. Jen looks back at me. “So, do you have any ideas of what you’d like?”
“Well, not really, no,” I say with a chuckle, feeling another blush steal over my cheeks.