Page 62 of Captured

Before I can ask, Loki steps up to me, hand cupping my face. His palm feels so warm, I can't help but lean my cheek into it, closing my eyes briefly at the comfort I find, before opening them to gaze into his.

“I may have with my attention before…” Loki begins, his usually mirthful green eyes serious. I hear Jax snort behind me. “Fine,” he rolls his eyes. “I may have been a bit of a man whore, but I won’t get bored with you. Ever.”

My breath hitches as he leans down and kisses me on the lips. It's a kiss full of sweetness and days filled with sun and laughter. It's a kiss full of a promise, one that I’m scared to believe in.

I know he loves me, and I love him back so much that sometimes it makes my heart ache. But do I dare believe that this is forever?

He ends the embrace, dropping a soft kiss on my nose that melts me completely.

I'm then turned round to face Jax, who looks me deep in the eyes too. He doesn't say anything, just nods and kisses me gently.

I guess we're going public, I think ruefully as he releases me, interlocking our fingers once again, just as Loki puts an arm across my shoulders, and we walk towards the dining hall.

Chapter Twenty


The next couple of weeks pass by in a rapid blur of intense studying, and mind blowing orgasms with Loki and Jax, sometimes separately, but often together. They're insatiable, and I can't help the feeling that they are trying to find escape in my arms, as much as I am in theirs.

Not to be outdone, Kai regularly invites me to cook with him, taking me by surprise when his fingers cause me to lose focus. Like with Loki in the beginning, he won’t let me reciprocate, just leaves me sated and my knickers damp. We’ve not managed any other hikes, although I can’t deny that even with a chill in the air I wouldn’t say no to getting hot and heavy outside with him.

Nothing has happened with Ash, not since the night of his party. Though his heated eyes follow me round the dorm, and I can’t forget the look on his face as he watched me, Loki, and Jax together.Smeghead!

I don't talk to my uncle, it still feels so strange calling him that. I’m not used to having any family other than Mum, and now the horrible irony of gaining an uncle only to lose her cuts me to the quick.

He has sent me precisely two emails. One after my first week of being here, asking how I'm settling in, to which I get no response when I reply. The other was the week before autumn—sorry, fall—break. Apparently, I won't be able to go back to England, so he asked me to make alternate arrangements.

Although he still feels like a complete stranger, I can't deny the flash of hurt that runs through me at his casual rejection. It’s compounded by the fact that neither Lexi; my mum’s best friend, or Ryan; Mum’s boyfriend, have contacted me at all since Mum died. I’ve known them both my whole life, I even used to hope that Mum and Ryan would get married one day, and yet nothing. Not a text, an email, shit, even a letter.

Lounging on the sofas with my feet in Loki's lap, I sigh as I read the email from Adrian again.I'm sure he doesn't mean it, Lilly,I try to reassure myself.

“What's up, Pretty Girl?” Loki asks, grasping my foot and beginning to massage it, causing a moan to slip through my lips.

We're all alone as Jax is at the gym,again, and Kai is in his room doing something technical with his stocks. I still can’t get over the fact that he has a stock portfolio and makes obscene amounts of money.

Ash is out, probably making someone miserable.

“My uncle says I can't go back to England for the break.” I sigh, “I guess I'll be staying here for the week.”

“Fuck that!” Loki exclaims, and I jump a little at his raised voice. “You can stay at my place, that is, if you want to?” he says, uncertainty in his tone. I look up to see him concentrating back on my feet. “I mean, my parents are never there, and I’m sure my sisters would love to meet you. Usually, the boys stay a few nights over fall break, so it should be fun.”

“I dunno…” I can't help teasing him, trying to hide a smile. “I was kinda looking forward to wallowing in self-pity all week. And Mr Twinkles has been feeling left out recently, so I was gonna show him some attention,” I joke, desperately trying not to laugh as his head snaps up, a low growl leaving his lips as his hands still.

“Who the fuck isMr Twinkles?” he sneers, his eyes ablaze with jealousy. I can't help it, I sit up and grab his hand, pulling him upstairs after me.

“I'll introduce you,” I say, giggling.

We enter his room, my stuff is still in here and looks like it will be for the foreseeable future if Ash keeps getting his way. Which he always does, the bastard.

I go to the top drawer of his—I guess our—chest of drawers and rummage round in the lacy underwear until my hand alights on a pink satin bag. Opening it, I pull out my sparkly pastel rainbow vibrator, holding it aloft as I spin round to face Loki once more.

His eyebrows hit his hairline as I brandish the silicone member at him.

“Loki, this is Mr Twinkles. Mr Twinkles, meet Loki,” I say, bursting out laughing at the look of arrogant amusement on Loki's face.

“Well, pleased to meet you, Mr Twinkles,” he drawls as he casually strolls towards me, and my laughter stops, knowing he’s up to something. “But your services are no longer required.”

Suddenly, he snatches the vibrator off me, goes over to the window, opens it, and throws poor Mr Twinkles out into the grey October afternoon whilst shouting “Timber!”