Page 63 of Captured

“Loki!” I screech, running up to the window to see my vibrator nowhere in sight. “You owe me a new, improved Mr Twinkles!” I hiss, poking him in his solid chest with my finger and only succeeding in hurting myself.You’d think I’d learn to stop poking them in their hard chests!

“Baby,” he drawls, “I got all the speeds you need right here,” he tells me cockily, grabbing his dick through his grey sweatpants—which should be classed as male lingerie in my opinion!

I turn to face him and smile evilly. “Guess you'll never know how good it feels to be pounding into my arse, whilst feeling the vibrations in my pussy from the future Mr Twinkles The Second…”

I see raw heat flash in his eyes as I turn and start to walk away, heading out of the door. Just as I reach for the handle, he calls out to me. “So, are you coming to mine for fall break?”

“I guess, without Mr Twinkles to catch up with, I suppose I've nothing better to do,” I sass back, making sure to add some more sway to my hips as I leave the room.

* * *


As we drive up my family's gravel driveway, I can't help the feeling of butterflies dancing in my stomach.Why am I so fucking nervous?I'm never, ever, nervous around girls.

But Lilly...she keeps my attention like no other has before. And I don't even mind sharing her. Shit, seeing Jax pound into her has got to be one of the hottest fucking things I've ever seen. And when we're both inside her...annnd now my dick is fully straining against my jeans.

Fuck, this girl makes me horny!I think to myself, turning my eyes back to the road before we crash. I don't know what it is about her that draws me in, but I can't even look at another girl anymore. I'm usually the kind of guy who has a flavor of the week, hell, sometimes even a flavor of the day!

Pulling up outside my parents’ house, it’s like seeing it with fresh eyes having her next to me. God, this place is so fucking pretentious. With its four white columns holding up what is basically an ostentatious porch, its massive wooden front doors, and like fifty-odd windows on the front alone, it's the epitome of rich America.Shame the people who own it are such assholes. And there goes my hard-on.

I stop as the front doors open, and my sisters come barrelling down the marble steps, red hair flying. I just about manage to get my door open and step out of the car when both of them fling themselves at me, talking a million miles an hour.

“Loki! What took you so long? We were expecting you earlier,” Heather scolds, eyes narrowed, her arms still wrapped around my neck.

“We made you cupcakes!” Julie shouts with joy.

“Hey, ladies.” I grin, kissing them each on the cheek. “That sounds awesome, thanks.”

“Who's that?” Heather asks, looking behind me when we hear the passenger car door open. Both girls instantly go shy, peering around me, but not stepping fully away.

“Ladies, this is Lilly. She's staying for fall break,” I tell them, a mischievous grin on my lips. “She’s our new…” before I can finish my sentence, Lilly jumps in.

“Roomie!” she quickly says. “I share a dorm with the guys at Highgate.” She gives me a ‘behave’type of look. I, of course, smile innocently back, pretending I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Yes, our new…‘roomie’,” I say, emphasizing the word. “Lilly, this is the Misses Heather and Julie Thorn.”

Lilly smiles at them, her eyes full of warmth, and for a split second, I feel jealous of my little sisters. I want all that warmth directed at me.

“I have a present for you girls, if you'd like it?” she asks them, walking round to the trunk and waiting for me to pop it open.

I look at her with surprise. I didn't know she'd gotten them anything. The girls glance at me, and I smile encouragingly, so they quickly follow behind as I walk over.

I open the trunk to see the two deep green dress bags that she’d placed in there earlier, lying on top. Interesting...

“Loki, can you take those inside for me, please?” Lilly requests a twinkle in her hazel eyes as she looks at me.

“Of course, m’lady,” I say, bowing and making the girls giggle. I hear Lilly's sexy chuckle in there too, so I call that a win all around.

Grabbing the dress bags, we head inside, turning left into the sitting room.Still boring as hell, I see.It's decorated in shades of beige, or shit coffee as I like to call it. Beige walls, beige curtains, beige leather couches, even beige fucking rugs.

I glance over at Lilly, who looks fucking breathtaking in a short golden yellow dress, fishnet pantyhose, and these sparkly green heeled shoes with a cute little bow on the front. She needs to keep those on later, the thought of them digging into my ass, as I pound into her makes my dick twitch in my jeans.Down boy!

I lay the bags over the back of the couch, the girls coming to stand beside me, clutching either arm, and looking at them like they’re desperate to see what’s inside, but are also a little worried about it.

“Go on, ladies. Don't be shy,” I say with a smile, leading them forward a little. They hesitate for another moment, then both step forward and unzip the plastic zipper of each bag at the same time.

I'm nearly deafened by the squeals that erupt from their mouths, wincing, as frothy yellow silk fabric bursts from the opening.