Page 132 of Captured

I’ve made them a playlist on Spotify that has all of our songs on it. The songs that we’ve danced to, played to, made love to. I was going to add them to it so that they can listen to it whenever they like. But I want to get them something else, I just don't know what.

We get out, and I convince Loki to split up so that I can wander around, hoping that something genius comes to me as I gaze in shop windows. My uncle gives me a generous allowance, so I don’t need to worry too much about the cost.

I pass by a combat sports shop when like a lightning bolt, inspiration strikes.

Fucking perfect!

I emerge thirty minutes later, with four huge bags, containing four black gift boxes. Luckily, Loki sees me struggling up the street, and races to take them off me.

“What’s in the bags?” he asks curiously, starting to bring them up to his face.

“Good things come to those who wait, Loki,” I tease, lightly smacking his chest to discourage his investigation.

“But I hate waiting,” he whines like a small child, pouting, and I can't help but laugh at him.

“Oh, poor baby,” I coo, pinching his cheek. “Don’t worry, I have something extra for you for Christmas Eve.” I wink, and he perks up as we walk back to his car.

We're a few cars away when I spot Ash walking towards us, a scowl on his beautiful face. I smile wide and take a step to run up to him, when I stop, noticing the two people walking behind him. One of them I recognise instantly, and my smile freezes as he meets my eyes, a feline grin tugging his lips up.

“Ah, Lilly Darling, what an unexpected pleasure,” he purrs in his dark voice, so much like Ash’s, and yet totally different. His is like the cold whisper of a crypt, there's no warmth or life in it.

Ash's head snaps up, something like panic rushing across his face before he schools it again into a blank expression. I hear the rustle of bags next to me, then feel Loki's warm hand firmly grip mine, tugging me closer to him.

“Julian,” he says, his voice almost a growl.

“Loki,” Julian nods, keeping his steel grey eyes locked on mine. I shudder at the attention, and I can't help but feel like I've caught the gaze of a predator.

What a fucking creep.

We stand there, the silence just this side of awkward.

“You must be Ash's mum,” I suddenly blurt, shifting my gaze to the dark haired woman next to Julian. She's stunning, tall with raven hair, the colour of Ash’s. “Pleased to meet you…” I trail off as she turns to look at me. Her blue eyes are dull, vacant, and lifeless, like she's somewhere else entirely.

“This is my wife, Samantha,” Julian’s dulcet tones interject, before Ash’s mum, Samantha, can say a word.

I risk a glance at Ash, his brow is even more pinched, and he won't look at me at all.

“Well, we best get back,” Loki tells them, tugging my hand and stepping past their group.

“I'll see you soon, Ash,” I murmur gently as I pass him. I wish I could just kiss him, or grab his hand, anything to take that blank look away.

He looks up, and his eyes soften minutely as he gives a quick nod.

My gut churns as we start to walk away.

“Don't be a stranger, Lilly,” I hear Julian call out after us, and I can't repress the shiver that cascades through me, leaving me cold in its wake.

Chapter Forty-Two


It's Christmas Eve, and for dinner we have Christmas themed pizza, which apparently is the one and only Christmas tradition of Loki's. He makes snowmen shaped pizza bases, topped with turkey mince, cranberry and mozzarella, and they’re seriously good, even if the snowmen are more snow blobs.

Loki, the girls, and I are sitting in the living room, a cheerful fire burning in the fireplace, as we digest our meal, staring at the Christmas tree all lit up.

Loki and I went out and bought it today, and it was like all those American Christmas movies I watched as a kid, with a forest of trees to choose from in a parking lot. We spent ages there, with me insisting that we get the perfect tree and Loki humouring me until he got bored, and dragged me into the back of the lot for a quickie. The thought of being caught at any moment had me coming so hard and fast, Loki had to cover my mouth with his hand to keep everyone from hearing my cries. That only made me come harder, as he fucking knew it would.

We finally found the best and biggest tree there, Loki strapping it to the roof of his Lambo.I brat, remember?We spent the whole day with the girls decorating it. It looks a little like Santa went on a bender, and then threw up on it, but Heather and Julie are so happy, I don't have the heart to change a thing.