Page 133 of Captured

“Let’s play guess the Disney song!” Heather suddenly cries, clapping her hands. Julie readily agrees, and they both pounce on a groaning Loki.

“Fine! Fine!” he laughs, shoving them off.

He turns to me, giving a helpless shrug as he gets up to leave the room. He comes back, holding his guitar and grinning at me.

“You ready?” he asks us, sitting down, guitar across his lap, and looking all too delicious in a tight t-shirt and jeans.

“Yes!” the girls and I shout with a laugh.

He starts strumming, and as soon as he begins singing, I can’t help laughing.

“Part of Your World! The Little Mermaid,” Heather shrieks, as Loki keeps singing, and giggles tumble from my mouth as the girls start singing along and leaping around.

Damn! Even singing songs sung originally by Disney Princesses, he’s still hot as fuck holding a guitar and strumming with those magical fingers of his. My thighs clench at the thought of what else his fingers can do.

He looks up as he begins the next song, catching my eye and giving me a devastating grin. My breath catches in my throat and tingles spread over my body.

“I See the Light,” I whisper, my heart swelling as he serenades me, staring deeply into my eyes. “Tangled.”

I drown in his emerald gaze, his husky voice caressing every inch of me. I swear, I hear the girls giggle, and then sigh dramatically, like we’re actually in a fucking Disney movie of our own. But I don’t care, I’m embracing all the warm and fuzzies that he gives me.

The tempo changes to a jazzy tune.

“Everybody Wants to Be a Cat!” Julie hollers at the top of her voice, both girls jumping up and grabbing my hands, pulling me with them. We dance until I’m breathless with laughter, as we shimmy and sway our hips to the tune. I look over to see Loki grinning so widely as he gazes at us, he looks like he may just burst, and my heart melts.

* * *


I spend the rest of the evening playing Disney songs, while Lilly and the girls guess what they are, then I switch to random pop songs while they dance. The pure joy on my sisters’ faces makes my chest so tight, it’s hard to take a deep breath.

My parents are absent fuckers, who give no shits about their children, other than what they can use us for. The girls have struggled over the past couple of Christmases, not understanding why Mom and Dad don’t want to spend the holidays with us. I try my best, but shit, I’m not their parent, although, most days it feels like I do a better fucking job.

My gaze moves over to the girl who brings light and laughter wherever she treads, and I give thanks to whatever gods have finally smiled down on me that I found her. I know it sounds corny as fuck, but she really is like the first flush of spring, after an endlessly dark cold winter. And I, for one, will drink every drop of sunshine she offers me and bathe in her glow for however long I have left on this godforsaken earth.

The girls start rubbing their eyes and yawning widely, no longer dancing, and I share a look with Lilly.

“Time for bed, sleepyheads,” I tell them gently, putting my guitar to one side as I get up. “Otherwise, Santa won’t come tonight...” I caution them, interrupting their protests before they can even utter them.

I take them upstairs, Lilly following behind, then we help them get ready for bed. Once they’re tucked in, Lilly steps forward with a book in her hand.

“Would you like me to read youThe Night Before Christmas? My mum used to read it to me when I was a little girl every Christmas Eve,” she offers, and they nod their heads enthusiastically.

I stand back, leaning against the doorframe, watching her read the story, and I think my heart might explode with how full it feels. My hands itch to grab her and kiss her, merging our fucking souls together, then I want to worship her body with my own until dawn. My dick twitches with that thought as she finishes up with the poem. She leans down and kisses their sleepy heads, my heart thumping hard in my chest again at the sight.

I grab her hand as she goes to walk past me, tugging her out of the room and shutting the door, then pushing her up against it. Slamming my mouth onto hers, I quiet any protests she might have made. God, I’m addicted to her sweet taste, the way she opens up for me, and caresses my tongue with her own.

She lets out a breathy moan when I grind my hardening cock into her pelvis.

“Loki…” she mumbles, gasping and arching her back as I nibble her neck. “Stockings,” she rasps out, planting her hands on my chest, probably in a bid to push me away.

I curse, resting my forehead on her shoulder, trying to calm my breathing down and rein in my dick, remembering that we need to put the stockings out tonight.

“You go and put them out, and I’ll meet you in your room,” she tells me, her voice husky, which makes me all kinds of happy, knowing that I affect her as much as she does me.

I practically sprint down the stairs, to the coat closet, and grab the huge red stockings out from the back that we hid behind a whole load of ski stuff. I set them down either side of the fireplace, drinking some of the milk, and taking a bite of the cookie that they left out for Santa.

I rush back upstairs, and opening my bedroom door, I can hearPlay with Meby Rendezvous at Two as I take a step inside. When I catch sight of Lilly on the bed, all of the breath rushes out of me, my jaw drops, and my dick instantly stands to full attention, like a dog desperate for a treat.