Still, Nicola might have a point about making time for fun tonight. I deserve a night to relax, and damn it, I’m going to take it. I’m too tired to navigate a one-night stand, but a one-night business break sounds like bliss.
Focus on the little things. Small drops of pleasure can add up to refill my well if I let them. I inhale slowly, controlling my breath, pushing deeper into a calm headspace. The clink of glass, the overloud laughter, and the chiming slot machines fade into white noise as I ruthlessly quiet my mind. One sound is more stubborn than the rest. There’s no way his voice was that deep.
Hisvoice. It’s not in my mind. It’s over my shoulder.
Any pretense of calm is gone as anticipation ricochets through my body. What are the odds in a conference of thousands of people spread out over two casinos, the only man I enjoyed talking to today would be at this bar right behind me? Not even Vegas bookies would take that bet.
I turn my head slightly and give him the once-over to confirm.
Yep. Same smooth olive skin. Same loose and rowdy curls. Same broad shoulders I’d imagined draping my knees over earlier. New are the glasses giving him a Clark Kent vibe.
A one-night stand might be in the cards after all.
When I first spotted him in my booth, I had braced myself for another techie dudebro, but he’d handled his confusion and consequent embarrassment with humor and humility, following up with intelligent questions. I’m a sucker for competence.
He is the first person I’ve felt even a flicker of attraction toward since my last breakup. And if I’m being honest with myself, it’s way more than a flicker.
The deep rasp of his voice weaves through my brain, leaving a trail of flames along my nerve endings, and I decide. Fun and stupid. Check and check. I’m doing this.
As soon as he wraps up his conversation, I’ll tap him on the shoulder and see where things go.
Another sip of wine mellows me. My ear is attuned to his voice now, and I can’t help but overhear bits and pieces of his conversation.
“So the articles on the new video streaming app and the gaming console updates are done and in your inbox. The other three are in various stages of completion.”
He must be talking to his editor. Another workaholic. I respect that. I can keep my thirsty ass on this barstool until he’s free. My mind helpfully supplies images of all the things I’d like to do with his freedom. I squirm on my stool, trying to ease the sudden pressure.
Hopefully he won’t be too long.
Although length should not be discounted, I’m more of a technique girl.Gutter, meet brain. I’ll be here a while.
“Good. All you need is a few breakout articles, and I can pitch bringing you on full-time. We won’t hit the benefits you had at RPGiga, but at least it’s better than freelance.”
“Sure, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And how was your first interview?”
I glance at the mirror behind the glass bottles on the bar, trying to read the face that goes with the sarcastic voice. All I get is an impression of bloodshot eyes and a collection of shot glasses on the bar in front of him. Delightful. Thank God this guy didn’t show up in my booth today.
Clark Kent takes a careful sip of his beer. I study his profile. His blank face gives nothing away.
“Oh, come on,” his asshole boss teases. “That was funny, and you know it.”
My con crush sets his beer down and gives his attention back to his editor while I hold my breath.
“Actually, it was a really fascinating story. Female entrepreneur nominated for a top award with a sex-positive toy in a traditionally male-dominated sphere? It’ll make a great profile piece.”
“Jesus, can’t you take a joke, kid? I was just messing with you.”
“Nah, it’s a good story. Permission to run with it?”
“Sure, as long as you get the rest of them done. No guarantee I’ll have room for it, but knock your socks off.” He tosses back another shot.
I wish I could see Clark’s face right now. I also wish I could give his asshole editor a piece of my mind for belittling my work and his focus. Clark must say something in reply, but I miss it under the noise of the bar. Unfortunately, I can hear his boss loud and clear.
“Okay. Workday officially done. This is your first big conference, right?”
He nods in the mirror.