“Time to pop that cherry. Let’s go find a hot piece of ass for the night.”
God, this guy is truly a gem.I deliberately shift my focus to the intricate wood grain pattern on the bar, hoping to escape his unsubtle scan of the room.
No such luck.
“Don’t turn and look,” the asshole drunk-whispers loud enough that I can hear him. “Great tits, right behind you. She’s a little butch, but you never know.”
Clark shifts uncomfortably on his barstool, suddenly very interested in the rim of his beer glass. He raises his pint for a sip, and glances at me from the corner of his eye. Those gorgeous brown eyes click with mine and hold before widening in recognition and then twinkling with humor.
I have to give him credit. He neither spits out nor chokes on his beer. And he doesn’t give me away either. I raise my glass for a sip, and he mirrors me with a smile. The sexy dimple that caught my eye earlier makes a brief appearance before he carefully evens out his expression. I really like the vibe I’m catching from this guy. Now to get rid of his boss.
“Sssso, what’ssss a pretty girl like you doing alone?” The asshole slurs his words, leaning far around Clark to see me. I hope he falls off his stool.
I angle toward them, plumping my breasts up to the vee of my T-shirt with my forearm as I lean farther on the bar. The asshole’s eyes track exactly where I intend.Gotcha.
“Honestly? I’m looking for someone who can give me exactly what I need.” I finish on a breathy little pout that makes him grin like the idiot he is.
Mr. Kent leans back out of the line of fire.Smart man.
“Well, I’m your guy,” T.A. leers. The smarm is thick with this one.
“I haven’t even told you what I need yet.” I giggle for effect, and Clark breaks and snorts a laugh into his beer. But his boss is too far gone to notice.
“Whatever you need, I’ve got you covered right here, babe.”
T.A. grins and rubs his crotch suggestively. I fight back a gag, but I am committed to the bit now. I have to see it through.
“No, see? I knew you wouldn’t understand.” I pout and sip my wine.
“Told you she was butch,” he whispers loudly to Clark. “What doan I unnerstand?” he asks me.
He is so far gone this isn’t even a fair fight, but I’m not about to pull my punches. “I don’t wantthat.” I wiggle my fingers in the general direction of his lap. “I’m into toys. And there’s one here giving blended orgasms. It’s like a whole out-of-body experience! Have you ever tried it?” I blink, doing my very best imitation of innocent.
T.A. shakes his head, entranced.
“I knew you couldn’t help. I need someone who knows what they’re doing to come play with me.” I turn to Clark who is pretending to be invisible. I shift closer to him, close enough to press my breast up against his arm and run a hand from his bicep to his wrist. “What about you? Do you know what a blended orgasm is?”
He clears his throat and suppresses a grin. “I, uh, do. That’s when a woman comes from simultaneous stimulation of her G-spot and her clitoris.”
“Oooooh, it sounds so good when you say it.” I slide my fingers over his where they rest on the bar, caressing their dexterous length before interlocking our hands together. Satisfaction warms my ruthless soul as both men track the motion with dumbfounded expressions. “Simultaneous stimulation…” I linger over the S sound and turn up the Marilyn in my voice, my confidence growing as they shift their gaze in unison to my lips.
“It’s…supposed to be quite the phenomenon.” Clark’s voice is low and serious, and a frisson of anticipation courses down my spine. I want to hear that voice growl.
“Have you ever given one to a woman before?” My breathy sigh is less acting and more instinct than I like, but fuck it. I’m getting the reaction I want. T.A. is about to trip over his own dropped jaw, and Mr. Kent licks his beautiful lips, as if already envisioning his strategy.
“No, I haven’t.”
Fun and stupid. I am all in on this bet. I bring my lips close enough to his ear to tickle, and whisper, “Wanna try?”
Clark quickly stands from his stool, moving right into my space. I lose my balance and brace myself. My hands land on his chest, and my fingers flex involuntarily into hard muscles. I stifle a groan, and pray.Please God, don’t let this be the only hard muscle he’s got.
He slaps some twenties on the bar, nods to his boss who still hasn’t realized what is happening, and wraps a strong arm around my waist.
“Lead the way.”