I snicker, thinking of that cute reporter’s face this morning when I explained what he was fondling.
“Next up, opening pockets! I hope this conference gives us the publicity I need to convince the venture capital folks MiO is a good bet. I need the next round of funding locked down before production runs start. I had some ideas about—”
Nicola covers her ears and groans. “Stop! Enough business! There’s more to life than giving the world great orgasms.”
“Bite your tongue! First of all, everyone deserves the kind of orgasms we can provide. And second, we are sitting in a bar in Las Vegas. Say that any louder and you’re practically asking for some dude to prove you wrong.”
“You’re absolutely right. We are young, attractive women sitting in a bar in Las Vegas, talking shop instead of looking for new exes to O. Let’s talk about that. When’s the last time you were with a real live partner?” Nic sips her wine smugly as I contemplate an answer that doesn’t make me sound pathetic. She knows as well as I do it’s been quite a while.
“When’s the last time a real partner could deliver half the pleasure the MiO does?” I match her sip for sip.
“Is a great orgasm really your only criteria for a relationship?”
I don’t know what to say to that. It’s been so long since I actually contemplated what I need in a partnership the answer feels foggy. Maybe it’s time for me to take a clear look at my “needs” list. Make some new goals or, oooh a vision board… Maybe after Q2.
Shit.Maybe I should put it down on my work flow chart: Complete second phase launch. Find a life partner. Expand plan for global sexual domination.
Thisispathetic, but I can’t admit that to Nicola or I’ll never hear the end of it. This is the downside to working with someone who has known you forever. Boundaries get fuzzy.
“Fine, don’t answer, but I’m worried about you. Remember senior year?”
“You mean when I kicked ass on my senior thesis project and graduated with honors?”
“As I recall, you disappeared into the basement of the Engineering building for three months and emerged from your cave with a severe sleep deficit and carpal tunnel. You convinced the Chinese takeout guy to deliver to your lab.”
“And I tipped him well. So what? All that proves is I know how to work hard toward a deadline.” I raise my glass to take a sip, but Nic stops me with a hand on my wrist. She knows when I’m hiding behind a flippant response. Bringing her to Vegas was dangerous. She’s not afraid to call my bluff.
“At what cost, babe? I also remember you turning to a string of one-night stands to get your rocks off so you didn’t have to give anyone time or space in your brain or your heart.”
“They’re valuable real estate.”
“They absolutely are, and they’ve been vacant for too long. I wish you’d consider a long-term tenant. Maybe a rent-to-own situation.”
“After Q2. There is so much riding on this.”
Nic shakes her head at me, and I know I’ve earned myself a follow-up lecture at the most embarrassing time. Nic loves an audience.
“Listen, I don’t care what you do, but you’ve got to relax or you’ll burn out.”
“I’m fine. I promise.”
She rolls her eyes, gathers her purse, and downs the last of her wine. “I’m not going to waste an evening in Las Vegas talking business with you. I’ll see you in the morning. Put it on the company tab, would ya, boss?”
It grates on my nerves when she calls me boss, and that’s exactly why she does it. I wonder what or who she’s going to do, and remind myself it’s none of my business if I want to keep her part of my business. Navigating work and friendship is a bitch.
“Sure, I’ll claim this as an executive meeting for the taxes, shall I?”
Nicola snorts. “You’re determined, I’ll give you that. Promise me you’ll do something a little fun and a little stupid tonight? Even if it’s just ten minutes at a slot machine? Balance. Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
“All right, fine. I’ll add fun and stupid to my to-do list. Now, go. I’ll see you in the morning.”
I wave as my friend disappears into the crowd, and then turn back to my glass of Cabernet and contemplate her message. I’ve been nose to the grindstone lately, but I balance.
Budgets, P&L statements, the expectations of my employees against reality…
Getting this company off the ground has been more challenging than I anticipated, and really, who has time for meeting someone and dating anymore?
Luckily, I can get off efficiently and powerfully with MiO. Orgasms are fun and good for my health. I’ve worked damn hard to claim my sexual power, and now I’m going to share it with the world. Sure, my O’s feel more like business than pleasure these days, but what is so wrong with being focused on my goals?