Just as she was about to answer, the door was yanked open and the band bundled inside, Jase awkwardly helping a weeping Cerys into the car.

Willow immediately hugged her. “Are you hurt? Do we need to take you to the hospital?”

“Let me have her, Willow,” Jase said, his voice gruff. “Come here, sunshine.” He scooped her gently into his arms. “What hurts?”

A large cut bled on her leg. “Just that,” she said, between sobs. “And my ribs. I think somebody stood on them.”

“That’s it. We’re going to the hospital,” Jase said, his face taut with worry.

“No,” Cerys said sharply. “Just take me back to the hotel. Please. I don’t think anything’s broken.”

“Fine,” Jase conceded, kissing her forehead. “But I’m going to get the hotel to call out a doctor to come see you. Okay?”

“We need security for events like this,” Ben said. “We talked about it last year, when Chaya got knocked over. I think it’s time.”

“Flower. Are you okay?” Luke cupped her cheeks softly.

“I’m okay. Just a bit shaken. I’m with Cerys. Let’s all just head back to the hotel.”

Luke paced the hotel room he shared with Willow. As the events replayed through his mind, he was certain that the barrier falling over was an accident. But it didn’t change the outcome. Cerys was hurt. It could have been Willow. And God only knew what would have happened had someone trodden on her, especially her stomach.

The looks on the faces around him replayed on a loop. Jase’s terror. Ben’s anger. Willow’s shock.


He picked up his phone and dialled Jase’s number.

“Hey, Luke. One sec ... Stay in bed, sunshine. I’ll get that for you in a second ... Sorry, Luke. What did you need?”

“Just wanted to see how Cerys is doing.”

“She’s being an impatient patient. Bit more banged up than she’ll admit because she doesn’t want to ruin the night. Right, sunshine?”

Luke heard Cerys mumble something in the background.

“Do you guys need anything?” Luke asked.

“Nah. I think we’re good.”

“Okay, well,” Luke was about to say goodbye when he thought of something else. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault. If we’d known about the barrier—”

“No. I’m sorry. For being a prick. Carrying a grudge. It didn’t help anything. And it was dumb.”

There was a long pause. “Thanks, mate.”

“Yeah, well.” Luke coughed. “You need anything in the night, let me know.”

“Will do.”

His chest felt a little lighter. But the security problem was an issue. Cerys was hurt. And why? Because the band was vain enough to have a fucking listening party. It didn’t matter how incredible an honour it was for the label to host such a thing for them, it wasn’t worth any of them getting hurt.

Especially Willow.

The idea that something could have happened to her had done something nothing else had been able to.

It had knocked some sense into him.