Ben wiggled his pint glass in her direction. “In that case, I’m going to enjoy this overpriced pint and listen to it.”

“It’s a free bar, Ben.”

“It is. But someone will have paid too much for it. Give me day drinking in West Dids anyway. Half the price of this watered-down shite.”

Luke glanced in her direction and grinned. He patted Jimmy’s arm, said a few more words then headed in her direction. “How are you holding up?” he asked.

“You were right. I’m tired. But Ben’s keeping me company.”

Luke flopped into the chair on the other side of her, just as Cerys and Izabel returned from the bar.

“This is the most amazing night ever,” Iz said, squealing as Matt stepped behind her, pulling her to him.

Jase slid his arm over Cerys’s shoulder. “You know. It’s one thing to dream about shit like this. But it’s a different kettle of fish to be standing right here in the middle of it.”

Luke reached for her hand and squeezed it. “I had the journalist for NME tell me it was an inspired album. Said we had a vibe that reminded her of early Ocean Colour Scene. I feel like I could live with that.”

Willow looked around the table and laughed.

“What’s funny?” Luke asked.

“You. All of you. You look ... dare I say it ... bored.”

Alex joined the group and planted his pint glass on the table. “This has been fun and everything. But I’m knackered. Like, honestly, I’m toasted.”

“Me too,” Luke said, flopping his head on Willow’s shoulder playfully. “How long do we have to stay here for?”

“Until it ends,” Matt said. “It’s a party for us. We’d be ungrateful twats to bail before all the music journalists do.”

Ben picked up his pint and chugged it. “I think it would be pretty epic to just walk out of here. The crowd has thinned. I bet there’s only like sixty people left.”

“Fine. Let me go speak to Simon and see what he says.” Matt walked over to their manager.

Six pairs of eyes watched, grinning when Simon nodded.

“You know what we should do?” Jase said as they headed for the exit. “Get the limo driver to cruise around London. Look up some cool spots to go drinking. Dancing.”

“I think we should go for a curry,” Alex said. “I’m starved. That posh finger food was all fluff and no substance.”

“Luke introduced me to the delights of Kathmandu,” Willow said. “It was so good.”

“I think you need to go to bed.” Luke placed his hand on her back again as they said goodnight to the doormen and headed for the limo that had just pulled up in front, the driver out and already opening the passenger door.

The crowd outside jostled, arms outstretched, to touch the band and shake their hands. Screams. Names called out. Alex signed something thrust at him.

Willow watched in horror as the barrier on their left crashed over, knocking Cerys to the ground as Jase tried to push the surge of people back to get at her.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by fans who either cheered or appeared panicked.

Matt shoved Iz toward her and Luke. “Get them to the car,” he yelled, as Ben and Alex, along with event security, yelled at everyone to get back.

“Hold on to my shirt,” Luke instructed both of them.

They did as he said, and held on to one another, as Luke elbowed his way through the crowd, until he could get them inside the limo. “Wait there,” he said, then slammed the door before disappearing into the crowd.

“Oh my God,” Willow said, her heart racing as she pressed her face to the window. “Did you see what happened to Cerys?”

Izabel’s hand shook in her own. “I didn’t. But I saw the look of terror on Jase’s face. Shit, I hope she’s okay. Should we call the police?”