It struck him like a bolt of lightning. What she needed in her life was not what she needed during sex. “Flower, it’s okay to want to be in control of your life everywhere but the bedroom. You’re carrying all of the burdens in everything else. In coming here, in fighting your dad, of being pregnant. Can you trust me? At least for the next few minutes, to know what you need. To know what I need.”
Luke ran his hand back over her stomach, so swollen and firm. He wondered if the water helped, if it eased the pressure.
“I loved that you let me suck on your tits, because your fucking nipples, the colour of rubies and stiff for me, get me hard all over again. And I loved that you let me touch you like this.” He slid his hand between her legs, feeling his chest crack open as she slid her feet to the edge of the bathtub to open for him.
She trusted him instinctively.
Gently, he nudged his index and middle finger down either side of her lips, a slow massaging back and forth until he felt her hips begin to move. To attempt to shift and twist so he would touch her more intimately.
“Sit still,” he said, forcefully. And his heart melted a little when she did.
He didn’t believe in labels but behaviours. But it was in him to want to take control, and in her to let him.
Each getting what they needed.
“I love that you just stopped moving. That you listened to what I needed and gave it to me.” He moved his fingertip to her clit, circling it slowly.
“Luke,” she moaned. “Please.”
“What do you need, Willow? Tell me. Say, Luke, I need you to slide two fingers in me or I need you to press harder on my clit to send me over.”
Her hips bucked beneath, an involuntary spasm. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Why? Is it so wrong to admit you need something from someone? Because I’m here. Or do you want me to guess?”
“Guess, for God’s sake,” she gasped.
Luke grinned. “I think you need this.”
He parted her lips, sliding into the warmth of her. He cursed the bubbles, given he would give anything to see her open for him. Angling his fingers up, he aimed for the ridged softness deep inside her, massaging it while his thumb worked her clit.
Her hands splashed out of the water and gripped the side of the tub as her back arched.
Willow feeling what he was doing with abandon was the hottest fucking thing.
“Imagine it’s my cock. Remember riding me, with your hands on the headboard, me, sucking on your nipples and gripping your arse, grinding you against me so hard we both came like we never had before. Remember how it felt, Willow, to let yourself go. To forget who you were, and just give in to it.”
He began to slide his fingers in and out of her a little faster, watching as her chest became mottled and her breath caught.
“I want you to come like that again. Without me joining you. I want this to be all about you. About your body and your pleasure.” He moved closer to her, so he could lower his voice. “I want you to soak my fingers, Will. I want you to come all over them, knowing the water will wash away the taste of you from them before I have the chance to put them in my mouth to taste you again. Fuck them, knowing I expect nothing from you beyond your orgasm.”
“I’m so close,” she gasped, groaning as if she were desperate for it to happen.
He increased the pressure of his thumb on her clit and matched her groan when her muscles tightened around him, as she shivered and jerked against him, her head thrown back, her mouth and eyes wide open.
The way she came sucked the air right out of his lungs. He wanted to dive into the water with her, turn her around so her elbows rested on the side of the tub while he fucked her from behind and sent water splashing all over the floor.
Instead, he moved gently, bringing her down, before removing his fingers and pulling the plug in the tub.
“There she is,” Luke said softly. “I missed her.”
He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then stood.
“Stand,” he said, his heart skipping a beat as she did exactly what he told her.
“What if I wasn’t finished?” she murmured on a sigh.
“I don’t want you falling asleep once I leave.”