Thoroughly he rubbed her down with one of the thick white hotel towels. Once dry, he slipped her feet into the shorts she’d brought into the bathroom.

“Wait,” she said, when he was about to pull her tank top over her head. “I need to put my cocoa butter on my stomach. Stretch marks.”

Luke reached for the bottle, squirted some of the lotion into his hands, and turned her so they faced the mirror, her back to his chest. He rubbed his hands together and reached in front of her, placing his palms on her stomach, the bump still small but noticeable.

“Your skin is already so soft,” he muttered into her ear as he massaged her skin. Over her bump, over her breasts. Her sensitive skin responding to his touch. Rubbing her stomach caused his dick to twitch. There was something incredibly intimate in the act. And suddenly he wondered if it would be wrong to slide his jeans down and ...

She closed her eyes, leaned her head against his chest, and yawned.

Internally he groaned but remembered his promise. To take care of her.

And right now, she was orgasmically tired.

He pulled her tank on and took her hand.

Leading her to the bedroom, he had a flash of what their life could be like. The two of them. Her sleepy from however they’d just come together, him feeling as he did now, that intense feeling of taking care of someone else sexually.

“Into bed,” he said, pulling back the covers.

Willow glanced down at his dick, rock hard pressing against his denim. “But don’t you need—?”

“Eventually. When you trust my reasons. But right now, I need you to get in bed. Ride this high straight into sweet dreams, while I hold on to you to shake the jitters of what happened tonight.”

She smiled but did as he said. “Thank you.”

Luke stripped off his clothes, then climbed in beside her. He brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead. “My pleasure. Goodnight, flower.”

“Goodnight, Luke.”

His dick ached, and it would take nothing to disappear into the bathroom and quietly ease the pressure in his balls. But for some reason, it felt important to not get any pleasure of his own from the evening. He wanted her to know he meant every word. It would be all about her, until she trusted him enough to let him in.