She bit her bottom lip and the weight of her stare deepened.

My cock twitched.

I swallowed, meaning to walk over to her, but finding myself nearly sprinting to close the gap.

“What did you do?” I accused her, glaring at my feet like they’d done something without my permission.

She blinked, her lips parted, and shook her head. A strand of her silvery hair came loose, and I itched to touch it, “I—I don’t know,” she laughed nervously—the sound doing all kinds of welcome, andunwelcomethings to my body. “I just wanted you to come here.”

I pursed my lips, “Well, it worked. You’ve summoned me,” I teased, leaning in. An image of her run through with my blade flashed before my eyes before I could kiss her neck. My stomach turned and it snuffed the flames in my core out.

“Don’t do that,” she said, and grabbed my arm with a surprisingly strong grip. “Don’t pull away from me.”

“I’m sorry,” I shrugged, and let out a rough breath, shaking off the tension in my wings.

She shook her head at me, “I will have you, Kade.Allof you. And then maybe you’ll finally stop thinking you aren’t worth it.”

The fire that had died a moment before roared back into chaotic flame. Her eyes glowed violet, and I watched the color turn to a molten russet gold—not unlike the glow of Draconian eyes. I’d never seen them that color before.

My muscles tightened. It was the plan—for us toconsummatethe bond tonight. To strengthen it before she left with the others at dawn. And I wanted her.Gods,I wanted her. I’d wanted her from the moment I first saw her—still pale from the long sea voyage, her icy blue eyes coy and defiant. But, after everything…

I tried to weigh my next words, “But I still haven’t beaten you at chess. Wasn’t that the deal?”

She narrowed her eyes at me, “Fine,” she said, chin lifted, and shoulders pushed back, “Then we play—for as long as it takes.”

“You can’t let me win.”

She scrunched her brows, crossed her lace-covered arms. Nodded. “And you can’t throw the game.”


She clucked her tongue, “Always so difficult. Stubborn as a mule.”

I could help it, I smiled at her, shaking my head, “I’ll never be more stubborn than you.”

“Come have a drink!” Alaric hollered, beckoning us over.

“Tonight, we celebrate,” Finn said, knocking his chalice against Tiernan’s.

They were right. We only had so many days and nights left before Ricon’s armies would come to fight for Liana’s throne. Tonight, we’d celebrate. And I’d do everything I could to give Liana what she wanted.

Tomorrow we’d ready for war.

I rolledthe strong spirits around on my tongue, considering her remaining pieces and mine—trying to find the best move.

Practicing with Finn and Tiernan had paid off. She’d beaten me twice already, but even she admitted they were hard-won victories. But this time, I had her. Or at least, I was pretty sure I did.

I swallowed the spirits, setting my third empty chalice down on the low table between us. The fire blazed in the hearth next to us, keeping the room warm and bathed in just enough light to see by. I couldn’t say how much time had passed. Hours, surely, but she showed no signs of giving in or stopping. Her delicate face set with stubborn determination. It was so severe at times I almost laughed.

But I couldn’t. I respected her too much. So like me—like Alaric. Like all of us, really. We didn’t give up easily and neither would she.

Liana wreaked of desire, the scent strong and cloying—seeping through her and into my pores.

She had her mind set on having me, and that thought, combined with her scent drove me almost to madness trying to keep my mind from rebelling against the idea and my hands from wanting to reach out and grab her. Take her right there on the floor.

Patience was not my forte. But we had a deal. And I intended to honor it either way.

I moved my piece, seeing the only two options she had for her own turn. One might save her. The other would condemn her, and if I did it right—she wouldn’t even realize until it was too late.