I blew out a long breath, letting my eyes fall closed. Ifeltthem. Kade’s hot touch, Tiernan’s deft fingers, Finn’s cool palm against mine, and Alaric’s strong grip.

Their emotions assaulted me in a barrage of passion, love, and anxiety. At first, I tried to block them out, but once I let go—let their emotions run through me, and mine through them, it was easier. Calmer. As though we were already one.

You can do this, Liana,I told myself.Iwillbind to all my males.

I licked my lips, and swallowed, readying myself to speak the six most powerful words I’d ever speak. Before I’d even uttered the first words, I felt the raw, ancient magic of the gods building behind my breastbone.

I pictured them all in my minds eye, felt the connections between our flesh. And then I said in as strong and sure of a voice as I could muster, “Adîra eis, et aeterna promnîn falrún.”

My skin tingled. My head emptied. And my chest broke out in a thin layer of cold sweat.

“Now, quickly, we say it as one!” Finn said.

And together, with one united voice, my males made their solemn vow, “Adîra eis, et aeterna promnîn falrún.”

My heart jolted as though struck by lightning. A violent wind tore through the room, billowing the curtains and extinguishing the flames. I gasped, trying to catch my breath as though it was the first one I’d ever taken and I’d forgotten how to do it.

I opened my eyes and saw… me. Standing there in a black dress, looking back at myself as though staring at a reflection. I blinked and was staring at my males. They were smiling, their expressions varied from excitement to incredulity.

“Can you feel it?” asked Tiernan, his wide smile shining in the moonlight.

“It worked,” Finn sighed, looking close to tears at our triumph.

Alaric released my hand, and the others followed suit. Unsteady on my feet, I swayed, and then righted myself, leaning against the back of a chair.

Could I feel it? I wasn’t sure.

“What does it feel like?” I asked, my brows pulling together.

Before any of my males could answer, I felt it. A pull. Like a tether. It tugged insistently though gently at my chest. And if I concentrated… yes! There was more than one tether, and each had a different texture to it. I couldn’t have explained it, but Iknewwhich tether belonged to each of my males, and I could… I could go across the tethers—to feel them. To see through their eyes as I had accidently done only a moment before.

“Wait—I feel it!” My heart ached in the most glorious way, and my cheeks hurt from the strength of my smile. I laughed, the sound bubbled up from within me as though it were more of an eruption.

“I can’t believe it worked,” Kade said through his own fits of laughter.

Finn put a hand to his chest in mock agony, “You hurt me, brother, saying such things.”

“Oh, come on, you didn’t think it would work either,” Alaric chastised, his eyes alight like I hadn’t seen them do it so long.

Finn shook his head, “No, I knew it would work.”

Tiernan, as though oblivious to anything they were saying, came to where I stood, his jade green gaze never once faltering. He lifted my hand from my side and pressed his warm lips against the back. A shock ran through me at the touch of his lips. My body recognizing part of its soul within him. The split pieces aching to rejoin.

“Forever,” he said, his gaze burning into me.

I nodded, running a finger down his sharp, smooth jaw, “Forever.”

Chapter Twelve


She looked like the night incarnate standing there in her midnight black dress with a half moon smile. I didn’t deserve her—could never deserve her, and yet she was mine and I hers. Alaric poured the second round of drinks and Finn nodded to our captain, accepting his chalice with a small salute.

The pull of the Immortal Bond was unmistakable. Like there was a rope tied to her at one end and tied to me at the other. But the rope wasn’t a restraint. The tie wasn’t unwelcome.

Despite myself, I felt… excited. When Alaric passed me a filled chalice, I tipped the contents back, letting the cool spirits burn their way down my throat and settle in my gut like warm honey.

Tiernan stepped away from Liana and her eyes locked onto mine. Her smiled faltered, and a flush rose to her cheeks. I’m not sure what she did, but the pull behind my ribcage intensified—reeling me into her. She called through the bond and it forced me to answer. The rope taut between us. The air electrified.