Corvus added another finger in my ass, and I sucked in a breath as it settled there, opening me up wider. Then he withdrew.

My eyes flew open, wanting him to keep going, but when I saw him move… felt his warmth as he crouched over my bent back.

“Lean back, Rook.”

I felt the angle of Rook’s pierced cock in me shift as he did what his brother bid, making room for Corvus to hover above me. I bared my teeth as Corvus fed the thick tip of himself into my ass, the pressure of adding the third cock threatening to split me apart.

Grey reached a hand over his head to find mine, twining his fingers with mine against the blanket covered floor, giving me something to hold on to. His eye fixed on me, pouty lips parted as he watched me take his brother’s cock in my ass.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, AJ.”

My hand tightened on his as Corvus planted his palms against my lower back and pushed himself the rest of the way in, making me scream.

“Give her a minute,” he hissed behind me and all movement stopped as I adjusted to the feel of them all, so wet and so turned on that the pain only registered as an afterthought.

“No,” I gasped, letting up on Grey’s hand. “I need you to move.”

They all started up again, slow at first, but gaining speed as they pumped into me. Corvus shifted his grip, grabbing me around my elbows to pull me up, making my back bow as he railed me from behind.

Grey took the opportunity to pull my left breast into his mouth, suckling greedily on my hard nipple, making my pants come faster. My moans louder.

“This is so fucking hot,” Rook said on a heavy breath, and I risked a look back to see him bent backwards, his fists pressed into the blanket as he thrusted his hips up and into me, his tatted thighs flexing with each pump. His head tipped back.

“Choke me,” I spluttered out, feeling my orgasm start.

Grey wrapped a fist around my throat, never ceasing the teasing pace of his tongue on my breast. I let the sensations overwhelm me, my muffled cries rising to the rafters, joining the grunts, groans, and soft cries of my guys.

I shut my eyes tight as my climax ripped through me, consuming my whole body like hot fire. They held me in place, fucking me through it as they all fell victim to their own releases. One by one like dominos. Grey jerked me close, crying out his release into my mouth as he kissed me. Corvus came next and Rook followed right behind him, shouting a violent curse, making one orgasm roll right into another as their euphoria turned me on to the point of insanity. I rocked my hips against Grey as Corvus popped free of my ass, riding the last wave of my bliss.

Rook exited next and without the weight of us all holding him down, Grey flipped me onto my back, fucking me stupid to prolong my orgasm until I was sure I wouldn’t be able to walk right for a fucking month.

I clenched around him, still hard despite his release as my orgasm wore down and he slowed, stopping entirely only once the last of my jerking spasms stopped completely. He laid his cheek on my chest, and I wrapped both arms around him, feeling the ghost of them all still inside me, even as Grey slipped out, flopping onto his back beside me with a laugh.

“That was…” He started but didn’t finish.

“Perfect,” I finished for him, peeling back my eyelids to find Corvus and Rook watching me.

Rook’s lips tipped up at one side in a crooked grin. “I think I just found my new religion.”

I glanced from him to Corvus. If this was a church, he was our priest. Leading the sermon. Sweat beaded over his brow and something wicked flashed in his eyes. I knew, somehow, that he was thinking the same thing.

He removed his shirt, bending to press it against my pussy. I winced, realizing just how sore I was, but I opened wider for him, letting him help clean me. “You did so good, Sparrow. Next time it won’t hurt so much.”

Next time?

An exquisite ache formed in my lower belly at the promise, and I reached down to grab his wrist, hauling him closer to plant a kiss on his lips. He pulled back, his light eyes flashing as he glanced between my eyes and my lips before leaning down to kiss me again. Softly.

When he pulled back, he was smiling, ditching the soiled t-shirt to hold out a hand to help me up. “Want to finish this for good?”

The reminder clawed through me like fingers of ice, waking the darkness that’d retreated into its cave to give me my moment in the sun. I nodded, taking his hand, getting shakily to my feet.

I took Rook’s offer of his shirt, lifting my arms to help him pull it over me. It hung past my mid thigh, his scent clinging to it.

Carson attempted to speak again from where he still sat strapped to the chair. I didn’t know if he was still making useless threats or begging now. It sounded like a mixture of both. But I was beyond caring. Ready to be done with him for good.

I went to the couch, reaching for my thigh strap to remove my new baby from his holster, feeling the weight of him in my palm. Time for his christening.

The guys split for me to pass before crowding behind me, forming a semi-circle as I closed the gap between myself and Carson, his eyes trained on the Wilson Combat hanging from my grip.