“Thhdiry whore,” he spat, but the darkness was gone from his eyes, leaving only a brittle shield that I knew couldn’t stand a chance against me anymore.

“Better than a dead one,” I replied in a lethal whisper.

He finally shut up, his lips sealed tight as I crouched to his eye level.

“Everything we’ve done to you was forthem,” I told him, feeling my skin bristle with heat, goose flesh rolling down my back as I tipped my head to the side, indicating my Crows.

“But this?”

I lifted the gun, turning it this way and that in the harsh overhead lights.

“This is for Becca.”

I cocked my weapon, pressing the gun to his chest. I fired and the shot rang through the underground space.

His eyes went wide.

“And this one’s for me.”

I fired again, letting the second bullet chase the first until blood spurted from the back of the chair, blowing through skin, bone, and wood.

I lowered my smoking weapon, my hands shaking as we all watched the light leave his eyes. Unlike him, my shots were true. I didn’t fucking miss.

My shoulders fell as his life's blood pooled in his lap and his last breath pushed past his lips.

I sighed, hanging my head, feeling something almost tranquil settle in my bones, feeling more calm now than I ever had before.

“It’s finally over.”

I pulledthe blanket tighter around my shoulders, cozying up against Rook on the roof of Sanctum. He tugged the blanket corner, and I opened it for him to slide in next to me, shivering against the chill in the midnight air.

Corvus sat in front of the couch I’d asked them to drag up all three flights of stairs, pulling my calf over his shoulder to run his fingers over the skin there in lazy strokes.

The door behind us opened and I felt Corv jerk forward, his hand reaching behind him for his gun, but it was only Grey returning from the kitchens downstairs. Two black trays piled high with golden-fried goodness, sticky wings, and Corvus’ cobb salad balanced precariously in his hands.

My stomach rumbled loudly as he came to sit next to me on the other end of the couch, setting one of the trays down in my lap. My mouth watered at the feast, and I shivered as the warmth of the bottom of the tray soaked into my legs.

“This is all for me, right?” I joked, popping a fry in my mouth with a little moan.

“You fucking earned it, Ghost,” Rook said with a laugh, fingering his bottle of whiskey from the floor to take a swig before setting it back down, scooping up two fries between his fingers to feed me them one by one.

“Fuck, it’s cold up here. How long till the fireworks?” Corvus said in a low growl, and I dragged the other blanket from the arm of the couch beside Rook and dropped it on his head.

He pulled it off, turning to give me an unimpressed scowl that couldn’t touch the diamonds still shining in his eyes. “I said I’d watch the fireworks so we’re all watching the damn fireworks.”

Grey chuckled. “If Thorn Valley does one thing right, it’s the new years fireworks. I watch them every year.”

“Yeah, and you drag our asses out with you every damn time, too,” Corvus said, throwing the blanket over his lap.

I passed him his salad. “Here, eat something before your hangry ass gets you sent to the doghouse.”

He raised a brow like he’d love to see me try to put him there, and I let out a laugh, something crumpling in my gut. I didn’t know if I’d ever get used to this. Especially now that there was no immediate danger. Nothing to have to do. At least not for a while.

We could justbe.

I didn’t know if I knew how to do that, but I was looking forward to giving it a try.

Two taps on the inside of the roof access door had Grey pausing before stuffing an entire cheeseburger into his face.