“Where the fuck are they all coming from!” The other sniper to my left cried, reloading.

“I don’t know!”

The lever popped back, and I cried out in relief, dislodging the bullet. I reloaded and pried it back again, a cold shiver rushing down my back as I settled back into position, took aim, and fired at the first King I saw.

I chewed through all the rounds in a matter of what felt like seconds before I needed to reload again.

“There are too many.”

“Sparrow, there are too many,” Corvus’ gruff voice echoed my own words in my skull through the earpiece, making all my muscles seize and burn. “Hold them back!”

“Donny, why aren’t you firing?” I screamed.

“I’m out! I’m out!” he shouted back. “No more ammo. Fuck this, I’m going down.”

Before I could say a word to stop him, Donny was over the ledge and rolling over sharp rocks and loose dirt, all the way down to the bottom of the hill.

I finished reloading and started firing again, doing my best to hold them back.

Fearful faces lifted in our general direction as their brothers fell at their feet, .50 Cal rounds in the center of their mass.

“Sniper!” I heard someone shout far below, and the Kings crowding outside the entry scattered, some returning back into the building, others into the trees. Others right into the waiting lines of fire of Saint guns.

I picked off two who tried to escape to their cars before I was out of ammo again and reached for more only to find my canvas empty.

“Shit! I’m out!”

I looked down my sights again, trying to find my guys. To know which direction to head once I launched myself off this hill. I found Diesel and his men fighting the bulk of Carson’s force to the left, but where…

I found them.

Grey, Corvus, and Rook formed a tight circle, nearly back to back as they fought hand to hand against five Kings. Guns and shell casings littered the ground at their feet. Clearly everyone was out of fucking bullets.


The other snipers and I managed to put a good dent in the extra men and from what I could see, despite their inflated numbers, we still had the upper hand. Though I cringed as I found several familiar faces among the dead.

I tapped my earpiece. “I’m coming down.”

But just before I moved my eye from the scope, I caught sight of a familiar head of dyed blonde hair, and I gripped the rifle tight, following him as he skirted the left side of the factory.

“It’s Carson!” I shouted, holding down the button in my earpiece. “Northeast corner of the factory, coming to the front!”

“Shoot!” I yelled at the other sniper. “There! The northeast corner of the factory! Take out his legs!”

He angled the shot and fired, missing Carson by a fucking hair.


“I need to reload.”


“Don’t,” came Grey’s voice, out of breath and muffled by the sounds of battle around him through the earpiece.

I found them again through my scope, and watched Rook dispatch his enemy and the one about to get a hit on Grey, bathed in blood. He put his hand to his ear.“Where?”he snarled.

I turned back to set my sights on Carson, just catching him as he doubled back and took off into the tree line to the northeast. “In the trees! Fucker’s running!”