I looked down through the trees as I set up Big Red just like Grey taught me, able to see the outline of the factory in the ambient moonlight. Cloud cover was pretty heavy tonight, which provided an added layer of cover we were all grateful for, but would also make everyone’s jobs harder. Including mine.

Once Big Red was in position, I hunkered down in the dirt, lying out against the cold earth.

“In position,” Donny said, his radio crackling.

A jolt of electrifying panic shot through me, and I rushed to look through the scope, making sure I had the angle I wanted. My breaths fogged in the air, stomach packing the dirt with each deep inhale.

My finger trembled as I rested it next to the trigger and I willed myself to calm down, blowing out a slow breath, tapping into that hyper focus still hovering just out of reach.

The factory loomed a couple hundred yards down the bank, settled on the flattest stretch of earth, surrounded on its left and back sides by trees set twenty paces back from the brick exterior. To the right, a long dirt drive was choked up with tens of vehicles. In front, where my sights were trained, a flat expanse of crumbling pavement stood between the large entry doors of the factory building and the tree line.

I looked all around,trying to find Diesel or my guys or anyone in the trees, but they were doing their jobs well. I couldn’t find a single one for almost a full minute until I spotted Mickey getting into position, creeping forward through the trees. Which meant my guys were somewhere out there, behind the building, readying their grenades.

I swungmy barrel to the right, trying to find the other team, instead I found a King. He reached into the open driver’s side window of a car and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He plucked one out and put it to his lips. Ten feet away, a Saint crept up on him from behind, using the parked cars as cover.

The air froze in my lungs as I watched, praying that they could take him out quietly. Quickly. Before someone noticed. I had a clean shot, but the echo would be worse than whatever sound the guy might make as he died.

The Saint rushed forward all at once,gripping the King around his face with a palm over his mouth. My eyes gaped wide as his neck snapped and the Saint set him down easy. I realized it wasn’t just any Saint. It was Hardin. I watched him drag the body out of sight before darting through the maze of parked cars to the back of the building.

Damn. He was good.

“Get ready.” Diesel’s voice came over the radio, and I turned my sights back to the front doors, peering over the edge of the hill to find a line of Saints crouched like boulders along the tree line, waiting. Ready.

Goosebumps rose on my arms and that next level focus snapped into place as I watched Mickey race forward from the left and the other team rush up from the right, dipping between cars to get to the side of the factory wall.

My body tensed.

Thebang bang bangof the grenades went off like dominos, echoing through the night. Vibrating in the air. Screams followed and orange light exploded out the sides of the factory, smoke rising up to the sky.

The front doors burst open, and just like Diesel said they would, the Kings rushed out, coughing and spluttering. Some injured, others with their weapons raised, ready for the fight they seemed to at least have some inkling was coming.

They were all armed to the teeth, but as Diesel and Damien led the charge from the trees, they were caught entirely by surprise. Gunfire sounded like firecrackers in the dark, and I watched as one King fell, then another. Waiting for my guys to join the fray. Looking for one specific face amid the absolute massacre.

Everyone was on strict orders not to kill Carson if they could help it. We wanted to take him alive. But I wouldn’t complain much if he had a few non-lethal holes in him when they handed him over.

Donny fired next to me, and a King with a grenade in his hand went down before he could throw it, blowing himself and the guy next to him into pieces. My guys came through the smoke, charging forward like gods of war personified. Rook slit the nearest King’s throat with a swipe of his arm and roared in the spray of blood as Corvus pumped two bullets into two more Kings and Grey narrowly dodged an attack by the third, getting his arm around the guy’s head. He pulled up sharply, and the body attached to it slumped. He discarded the King, kicking him out of the way as they continued the charge.

Fuck, they were beautiful.


Diesel fired the last round in his mag and it dropped to the pavement. He bent to reload and a King behind him lifted his weapon, aiming it at the back of Diesel’s head.

I fired, and the King’s head exploded, raining brain matter over Diesel’s back. He gave a two finger salute our way before taking out another King in his path with his brother now tight at his side, watching his back.

I swiveled back to the guys, but they were doing just fine, dispatching justice like the cruel Saints they were.

Three more Kings exited the building and I recognized Maverick among them. I set my sights on him, but his sights were firmly trained on my guys. I watched him point their direction and the goons to either side of him raised their weapons. I fired, and took out the one on Mav’s right, jerking back the lever to push another round into the chamber, but it made a metallicchckkin my ear and wouldn’t pull back the full way. I tried again.


Keeping an eye trained down the scope, I tapped my earpiece. “The door!”

Corv spun, firing, laying out the goon to Mav’s left.

Maverick raised his weapon and a fucking fresh army of Kings emerged from the smoke behind him. Way more than there should’ve been. Double the force we knew about. I worked mercilessly to unjam my gun, shouting at the other snipers. “The door. Shoot them down!”

My heart pounded in my skull as sloppy fingers worked to pry back the lever. Donny shot. One round. Then another.