
“Mr. James, it’s important for you to keep your blood pressure down. If you could just sit—”

“I saidno.”

“CorvusmotherfuckingJames,” I hissed from the doorway just as he managed to get his fingers on the strings at his back and untie them. His hospital gown dropped to the floor, showing all six feet five inches of glory that was his body. Even with the bruising over most of his left side and the bandages on his bald head, he was every inch the rock-god I knew.

Right down to the flaccid, but still insanely impressive length of his cock brushing against his thigh.


“Sit the fuck down,” I ordered him, but he stood his ground, somehow managing to look intimidating despite the fact that he was just as naked as the day he was born.

His hands curled in like talons at his sides. “I can’t sit there anymore.”

“Too fucking bad.”

Rook cleared his throat, and I didn’t have to turn around to see the smirk I knew I’d find on his lips. No one talked to Corvus James like this. No one except me could get away with it.

There was a thrilling sort of power in that. And call it a high from just finding out that I was not, in fact, totally insane, but I was feeling pretty damn good.

“Tell her what you told me,” Corvus implored the doctor, whose expression clearly said he’d already given up on trying to make this stubborn bastard do anything he didn’t want to.

He ran his hand through his sandy hair and sighed. “I said that he was progressing well.”

“And?” Corvus urged, a vein in his neck bugging out as he crossed the floor on remarkably steady feet and grabbed a pair of folded jeans from the windowsill. The fact that the curtains were wide open seemed not to concern him as he bent to pull them on, covering himself.

“And that the scans we did this morning gave me cause to believe there won’t be any lasting brain damage.”

Corvus padded barefoot to the private bathroom, making us all wait while he took a piss before he returned to the room.

The doc leaned in to whisper in my ear. “To be cautious, I’d like to keep him for another day or two under observation.”

“Then he’ll stay.”

“The fuck I will,” Corvus growled, plopping his ass down in the chair in the corner to lace up his boots.

I vibrated with rage. “You’re the idiot who threw yourself off a building,” I spat. “The least you can do—”

“Ava Jade,” he snapped back, inhaling deeply to check himself with palms rubbing down his face. “Rook told me you refused the wheel chair.”

“That’s different.”

“It’s not. I’ve stayed in that bed like my father wanted. Like youallwanted for five days. I have a massive fucking headache and my whole body hurts, but the doc says I’ll be fine as long as I take it easy. Isn’t that right?”

The stare he fixed the doc with would’ve reduced a lesser man to a stuttering fool in a puddle of his own piss. The doc lifted his chin. “I did.”

Corvus jerked his chin in Rook’s direction. “You got a problem with this?”

I spun to give Rook a warning stare to which he raised his hands and stepped farther away from me. “Fuck no. I’m not getting in the middle of this shit.”

“What are you doing out of bed,” Grey asked, stepping into the room behind me, forcing me to get out of the way for him to come in.

“Thank you,”I said. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

Corvus tipped his head back, letting out an exasperated groan. “Look, Sparrow, I’ll do whatever you want, okay? Anything except get back into that fucking sickbed, you get me?”

My nostrils flared. “Do the tests then.”