She took the sheet of paper back, tucking it in the file. From the lack of judgment in her eyes, I knew that despite Diesel’s deal with the guy on the hospital board to keep things hush, at least this nurse and the doctor were made aware of where I’d been. They would have had to have been to know what to look for.

Heat flushed my cheeks, but Nurse Fellows didn’t have pity in her pale green eyes, only a deep understanding that made me wonder what drove her to a profession as a nurse.

“It means that if youweren’thallucinating, I’d be more concerned.”

I sagged against the exam table.

“Doctor Henry really should’ve gone over this with you, but it must’ve been missed given the rest of your exams.”

“No shit.”

She closed the file and came to lean casually on the edge of the exam table next to me. “You should also be aware that you could have some withdrawal symptoms given the amount of drugs that were in your system. From my understanding it was several weeks of usage?”

I nodded, still trying to reconcile everything she was saying.

“So symptoms such as headaches…”




“And anxiety…”


“Are all completely normal and to be expected for the next week or so.”

“And the hallucinations?”

“Those should taper off naturally. I’d expect them to be gone entirely in the next few days.”

“And if they’re not?”

She gave me an understanding smile. “They will be. You’re not crazy, Ava Jade. At least, not the kind of crazy that needs to be locked up in a psych ward.”

I snorted. “You sure about that?”

She pursed her lips, shrugging, her gaze lifting to the small window in the door, and Rook’s black eyes staring back at her through it. She shuddered, rising to unlock the door.

“Yeah, I take it back. You are crazy.”

Nurse Fellows opened the door and dipped her head as she squeaked out anexcuse meand slipped past Rook into the hall, making her escape.

“Get what you needed?”

I pushed myself back to standing. “Yep.”

“Mind if I ask what that was?”

I winked at him as I exited the exam room, purposefully brushing against him as I passed. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I teased, in higher spirits than I’d been in days.

So, maybe I was crazy, but at least it was the fun kind.

“It’s been five days.”Corvus was snarling at the doctor when Rook and I entered his hospital room to find him struggling to untie the knotted hospital gown. “I’m done lying in that fucking bed.”

“If you could just allow a few more tests to ensure—”