Though… would they be having dinner with the rest of his family? Or would he want to dine alone?

Would Joseph be there?

She hoped not.

She wasn’t sure she wanted to dine alone with Elijah, not after seeing the door between their rooms. If they were alone, it would be so intimate. Josie shivered. The thought of being alone with Elijah, knowing what was coming… made her feel so odd. Her lips tingled with the memory of his kiss. She pressed them together as though that would make the sensation go away. It did not.


Supper was simultaneously incredibly comfortable and extremely awkward. Josie had often dined at their table, but this was different. Thankfully, Joseph and Adam had gone to procure their own meals, taking some of the potential strife. He saw Josie relax when she came into the room to find only him and his father seated at the table.

Which made him bristle.

Despite knowing he was marrying a woman who was in love with one of his brothers, living with the reality was more difficult than he had thought it would be. He had thought the foreknowledge would keep it from bothering him, but he was quickly discovering he did not like knowing his wife was thinking of another man. Especially not his brother.

It did not matter that his wife was Josie or that he had not wanted to marry anyone, much less her. It did not matter. If he had decided to marry, she would never have topped his list of potential brides. What mattered was he had married her, and now he was feeling decidedly possessive.

Those emotions and his own temper made things awkward.

Yet it felt entirely natural to have her there, teasing his father and him, discussing the events of the day—though the events had been out of the ordinary. As if by silent arrangement, they didn’t discuss the note Elijah had received, the traitor, or Evie, nothing that could be unpleasant or lead to an argument. To Elijah’s relief, Josie did not ask where Joseph or Adam was. He did not need his unexpected jealousy pricked any further.

“I shall leave you to it,” Father said, getting to his feet after finishing his meal. Elijah blinked in surprise, as they usually followed dinner with port. Father winked at him before turning to Josie. “Good night, my dear. It is truly a pleasure to welcome you to the family.”

The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable, and Josie blinked rapidly as though she was about to tear up. Considering the circumstances, Father’s warm welcome meant something to her.

“Thank you, Uncle Oliver.” She beamed at him. Earlier, Father had told her she could continue to call him that, which, again, felt both comfortable yet awkward.

Though not nearly as awkward as being left alone at the table with Josie. Father left the room, and Josie stared down at her plate, shifting in her chair, seemingly at a loss for words—not at all her usual state of affairs—but then this was not the usual evening for them. It was up to him to take the lead, and Elijah felt a sense of calm settle over him.

Josie did not normally allow him to take command, but in this arena, he was the master, and she would be his student.

“My lady,” he said, getting to his feet and holding out his hand. “I suggest we retire.”

A hot blush filled her cheeks, turning them dark pink. She lifted her head but could not seem to make herself meet his eyes.

“I… yes, I suppose it is.” Her voice was a little higher than normal, her breath coming a little faster. Elijah hid his grin at the evidence of her discomposure. It was rare anyone saw Josie knocked off her stride. Her chest rose, drawing attention to her breasts, as she took a deep breath and laid her fingers in his.

The surge of triumphant possessiveness and fiery attraction that slid through him was shocking in its intensity. Controlling himself, he led Josie on a sedate walk through the house but felt her feet starting to drag as they approached the bedroom. With a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure they were alone, he came to an abrupt halt.

Her head jerked up, eyes wide, not with fear, exactly, but certainly apprehension. Not the state of mind he wanted a woman in when he took her to bed, but at least she was meeting his gaze now.

“We do not have to do this tonight, Josie, if you would like more time to accustom yourself to being my wife.” Despite his body’s urgent desire, there were so many factors that made this more difficult, and Elijah had no interest in a reluctant lover or worse, one that was wishing he was his brother. Perhaps it would be best to put this off until later.


The gentleness in Elijah’s expression nearly undid her. Josie took a deep breath, blushing deeper when Elijah’s eyes dipped to her breasts, then back up again.

“No, I mean yes, I mean…” She took another breath as a small smile played on Elijah’s lips. She could feel him disengaging, stepping away emotionally, and she did not like it. Josie had every intention of doing her duty as his wife. More than that, she was naturally curious about that duty, especially after their kiss earlier.

She also could not stop her mind from worrying over her own part in things. While she had heard a great deal from Evie, then Mary’s cousin, Arabella, and Arabella’s friend, the Countess of Spencer, when Mary was the bride, then from Mary after she was married, Josie did not feel adequately prepared. Where did her hands go? Was she supposed to touch him? What, exactly, was she supposed to do with her tongue?

What if she was terrible at it?

Elijah had heaps of experience. Not only that, he did perverse, wicked things with the Society of Sin. What expectations would he have? She sincerely regretted revealing to him the extent of her knowledge earlier today. At the moment, she had enjoyed showing him she knew more than he thought, but now she worried he would expect more than she knew how to do.

“I do not want to be bad at it.” Josie raised her chin, though it felt like her cheeks were on fire. She had never been one to balk at a hurdle, nor was she very good at deception. “I want to do my duty, but I also…” She let out her breath in a huff, narrowing her eyes at Elijah’s suddenly blank expression. He was laughing inwardly at her, she knew it, but she appreciated that he contained himself outwardly. “I know it is supposed to feel good. What if I make it feel bad?”

Now Elijah did laugh, and Josie scowled, reaching out to slap him on the shoulder. Before her palm could connect, he caught her wrist, using it to yank her against him, but not the way he would hold her for a dance—much, much closer. Her breath caught in her throat as her breasts pressed against his chest, her body crushed against the hard planes of his, his lips only inches away from hers and descending fast.