“I will not go about my business hemmed in by guards.” He hated to think his father thought he could not take care of himself.

“One guard. I would make such arrangements for anyone who had to go about in the public sphere. If you were on mission outside of Society, it would be different, but you will have social engagements ‘til the end of the Season.” Father’s expression did not change, and his tone brooked no argument. “It will be either Nathan or Anthony since they have the easiest time moving among theton.”

Glancing at the two men, Elijah relaxed slightly. Not only did he consider them friends, but they knew his abilities. They would not stand in his way, and no one would think it odd to see them with him. There were only a few more weeks in the Season proper. In two weeks, London would begin to empty out as thetondecamped to their estates.

“I will ask Rex to help out as well.”

“Rex? Why Rex?” Elijah was affronted. Anthony and Nathan guarding him were bad enough, but Rex? Rex was a good fighter, a crack shot, and a talented whip, but he was not a trained operative and had no experience guarding anyone.

Father raised his eyebrow.

“As a newly married man and the Earl of Durham, there will be some social gatherings you must attend where Anthony and Nathan would stand out. Rex has the same social standing and is also newly married. No one will blink twice to see him there, especially as Josie and Mary are such good friends.”

“Josie… Josie will need a guard as well.” Though she had not been threatened, she was still his wife. Elijah did not want to take any chances.

“I rather thought you might act in that capacity.” Father’s lips twitched in amusement, but his answer soothed some of the nervous tension gripping Elijah, reassuring his father did not think he was inept. “Though I am not concerned she is in any danger, currently. Whoever is behind this understands the reasons behind your marriage far more than the rest of theton.They threatened to make her a widow but do not threaten her directly. Still, we will not be lax with her safety, and any time you cannot accompany her, I will ensure she has a guard.”

“It is too bad Evie is not here,” Adam murmured. “Guarding Josie would be the perfect job for her.” Father grimaced but did not argueoracknowledge Adam’s statement, though there was a large amount of truth to it. Elijah knew Father would want to keep Evie out of it.

He could not help but think of Josie’s jab earlier, about understanding how Evie felt being left out of things. Something to think on.

Chapter 9


She had not expected the house to feel different. Since the beginning of the Season, she had been inside its walls so often, Stuart House felt just as much her own as the house her parents had rented. Walking through with Mrs. Brandon, who pointed out the various furnishings, occasionally hinting where she thought something needed updating, feltentirelydifferent. Mrs. Brandon had always been helpful when Josie visited, but she had never treated her with so much deference.

For the first time, Josie was walking through a home that was hers to do with as she pleased.

The mind boggled.

She had assisted her mother in their own home, back in Derbyshire but had never been able to do precisely what she wanted.

You still might not be able to. Elijah and his father will need to give you funds and approve of any changes you want to make.

Bother. What should she call Elijah’s father now? As a child, she had called him ‘my lord,’ but after Evie had come to live with him, the girls had ended up teasingly calling him Uncle Oliver. Would it be awkward to continue doing so? Funny how she had never pondered such small things when she dreamed of marrying Joseph.

“And this is your room,” Mrs. Brandon said with obvious relish as she opened the door. Josie walked inside, curious. The dust covers had been removed from the furniture, and the freshly polished, delicate wooden curves positively gleamed. The soothing pink rose hues of the tapestries on the walls complemented the darker pink of the bedding. Creamy curtains, edged with pink, were pulled away from the window seat, which was piled high with pink, cream, and sage green cushions, allowing plenty of light to flow into the room.

“Over here is the earl’s room,” Mrs. Brandon continued, not seeming to see Josie’s jolt of surprise when she realized Mrs. Brandon was talking about a door Josie had not previously noticed. Josie blushed deeply when she realized it was on the same wall as the bed.

Yes, she had known she and Elijah would have adjoining rooms, but it had not felt real until she saw the door betwixt them. Her body felt oddly tingly, and she shook her head to clear the sudden fuzziness of her mind, wiping damp palms on her skirt.

There was no reason to be nervous. Young ladies married men they did not want to all the time. It could be far worse. At least she liked Elijah, even if he was too bossy by far.

Her mother’s words about pleasure ran through her head, along with some of what Evie and Mary had told her. Josie blushed and turned away from the door. She would face doingthatwith Elijah when she had to and not a moment before. Her mind could barely comprehend it, to be truthful.

“We also have more tapestries, artwork, and furniture in the attic if you would like anything changed out,” Mrs. Brandon said earnestly, and Josie realized she had been staring around the room without answering the poor housekeeper, who had continued talking and appeared worried Josie did not like the room.

“Oh no, this is lovely. Wonderfully suited to me,” Josie said, smiling reassuringly at the older woman. Mrs. Brandon smiled back, relieved. She had likely been the one to pick out the furnishings. Josie doubted Elijah had taken up the task. “I was so taken aback by how perfect it is, it rendered me speechless.”

“Good, good, I had hoped this would suit. I thought I had your style fairly well understood,” Mrs. Brandon replied, confirming Josie’s supposition. “We have similar furnishings back at Camden House, but it is very easy to change, and we can certainly accommodate anything you would like to bring with you from home.”

“There will be very little.” Stepping up to the beautiful four-poster bed, Josie tweaked the damask curtains. They were far prettier than what she had at home. Her family was well-to-do, especially after her grandfather had left her mother a good deal of money in his will, but they could hardly compete with a Marquess’ household.

“Your trunks arrived this morning and have been unpacked. Oh dear, it is almost time to start supper. Would you like to look at the menus for the week?”

“Yes, I suppose I should, thank you.” Josie cast one last look around the room—herroom—before following Mrs. Brandon out the door. There was very little she wanted to change in here, but she would like to make some updates to the sitting room. It had clearly not been used for entertaining visitors in ages. That would give her something to speak with Elijah about over dinner.