Page 85 of The Star

He steps toward me, a grin twisting up his lips. “Wanna try?”

Carson grunts, stepping toward his friend and making me laugh. “Levi, you’re upsetting the caveman, go downstairs.”



When we get downstairs, there’s already a crowd of people in the living room, as well as a pod of people at the front door. Logan gets a pep in her step, running to Giuliana – who I recognize from Instagram. I’m unsure what I’m supposed to do… do I wait for an introduction, or do I walk away?

I decide to wait, standing off to the side and running my gaze over the kids from Franklin. When I spot Austin standing at the door, all the blood in my body ignites. I clench my fists, but stand still to watch what Logan will do. No way she’ll embrace that motherfucker in front of me, right?

She goes around the group, including lots of girls who are in outfits as equally exposing as Logan’s, which makes me feel better about her outfit, and when she reaches Austin, she hollers and jumps to give him a hug.


Not today.

I step toward her, past her girlfriends, who are staring out into the living room at the crowd of people who are strangers to them, and slide my hand along her arm until I’m gripping her wrist.

Turning her head, she drops her embrace on Austin and gives me that look – the one she’s mastered that is equally impressive as it is scary. She’s telling me to back off with her eyes, but my little spitfire knows I’m not going to. She grins as I do, her white teeth showing as she shakes my hand off of her.

“Guys, this is Carson… my stepbrother.” Her eyes sparkle with humor as they stay connected with mine, even as she addresses her friends.

“Carson, Carson, Carson,” Giuliana says, pulling my attention. She crosses her arms over her chest. “The infamous stepbrother.”

I laugh, returning my gaze to Logan’s. “Talking about me?”

“Only bad things.” She smiles, addressing her friends. “Let’s go drink.”

They all shuffle past me, leaving me standing at the door watching Logan’s hips swing as she crosses the threshold of the entryway to the living room. She turns her head once she’s nearing the center of the room, winking at me when no one is paying attention.

I don’t miss the way Austin stays close to her, way too close for comfort. I’ll need to do something about that before I combust with rage.

* * *

I’m three beers and two shots deep by the time I get Logan alone. I find her out by the pool with her jeans rolled up to her knees so her legs can dangle in the water, a few people swimming or lounging around nearby. I drop down next to her, crossing my legs so they don’t go into the pool. “Where are your friends?”

She grins at me, her eyes squinty and her face red. “Dancing.”

I can see the mischief in her gaze when I stare deep into her eyes, alcohol doing most of her thinking for her. “You drunk, baby?”

She nods. “A little. Wanted to get some fresh air.” She holds up a water bottle. “Hydrate a little.”

I feel tipsy myself, but I’m definitely not as intoxicated as her. “Smart.”

I smile at her, and when she leans into my neck and breathes me in, I slide my hand down and wrap my pinky around hers. She makes me feel weightless, and as her mouth kisses along the skin of my neck, I drop my face to the top of her head. “Someone’s going to see us.”

She sighs. “Wanna go to the pool house?”

I kiss the top of her head. “Yeah.”

Before I can stand up, Levi is pushing through the back door of the house and yelling, “We have a problem, dude!”

Looking at him over my shoulder, Logan lifts her head. “What?”

Levi reaches us, bending down to put his hands on his knees and breathing hard like he just ran a mile. “Cassidy’s right behind me.”

My gaze moves to the door again, just as Cassidy is walking through in a little black dress, her mouth twisted into a smile. I sigh. “fuck.”