Page 86 of The Star

Looking at Logan, I find her laughing. I perk my brow, questioning her as her laughter infects me, and I start smiling. “What are you laughing at?”

She takes a breath, sucking down her laughter as she tries to compose herself. “Sorry, it’s not funny. It really isn’t.” She chuckles a little.

“There’s my boyfriend!” Cassidy squeals as she’s nearing us. “I must have missed the invite to your party in the mail. Luckily, my whole squad got invited and passed it along.”

I stand up. “No, you just weren’t invited.”

She grits her teeth, her puffy lips still twisted into a smile. “I warned you, Car.”

I step toward her. “Your empty fucking threats meannothingto me, Cass. What are you going to do? Tell the whole school your boyfriend left you for his stepsister? Go ahead, try. I’m sure you’ll end up looking great.”

She laughs humorlessly, her eyes focusing behind me onto Logan, who’s watching us closely. “I’ll end up looking better than that trash.”

My nostrils flare. “Watch it.”

She finds my eyes again. “Last chance, Car. Come inside with me, be the good boyfriend, or I’ll tell everyone, including mommy and daddy. I’m sure they’d love to see the photo I took of you two going at it on the floor of that ballroom.”

“You know what?!” Logan yells from behind me, making me turn to look at her. “Go ahead. I don’t fucking care anymore.” She stands, stepping next to me. “Do whatever you want, Cassidy. But when you’re done, get the fuck out of my house.”

“Lo–” I start, but she cuts me off.

“And next time you threaten Carson, I’ll remind you what my fists taste like.” She gets in Cassidy’s face.

Cassidy goes red, her gaze moving from Logan to me, then back again. She laughs. “Do you think I’m scared of you? You’re nothing but white trash that got pushed to the wrong side of town,” she spits.

Logan clenches her fists at her sides as Cassidy continues. “When the Shiny New Toy Syndrome fades, you’ll be tossed aside and forgotten. It’ll be like you never even happened. And I’ll be here, just like I always have been.”

“Cass–” I shout, only to lose the words that are sitting on my tongue when Logan springs forward and punches Cassidy in the face, knocking her head back. She doesn’t go for a second shot, just shakes out her hand and walks back to my side with a grunt.

Cassidy screams, grabbing her face with a shaking hand, but she doesn’t say a word, just looks at me and Logan standing together as her face turns red with rage. She takes a step backwards on her heels, and I can almost see the gears turning in her head as she decides what she’s going to do next.

She spins, walking slowly toward the back door like she’s giving us a chance to stop her. I look at Logan, urgency burning inside me. “Your hand okay?”

She nods. “I couldn’t listen to her bullshit for another second.”

“Uh, guys?” Levi interjects, making me realize I had completely forgotten he was standing out here with us. “Should we follow the wicked witch of the west, or let her burn down the whole city by herself?”

Cassidy has reached the door, and when she peels it open, we all move, following her inside to see what she’s going to do.

She doesn’t pay us any attention, just walks across the room and unplugs the speakers that are blasting music. One by one, everyone turns to look at her, as if they’re in slow motion. She smiles, clears her throat, and then opens her big mouth.

“I just thought everyone should know that Carson has been cheating on me.” Her smile drops, like she’s trying to convey that she’s completely heartbroken over the fact. She dabs a finger under her dry eye. “With his sister, Logan.”

“Yikes, she had to say it like that, huh?” Levi mutters. Logan snorts, but then slaps a big ass grin on her face just in time for everyone to turn and look at us.

I wave a hand. “Thank you, Cass.”

“Dude,” Graham, one of the guys on my football team says, “you fucking your sister?”

“I am hisstepsister!” Logan laughs.

“Cassidy,” I address my ex, who’s now being circled by her friends, “we broke up almost a year ago. I stuck by your side because you wanted to keep being Queen Bee and you’re an easy lay. Please don’t give everyone the wrong impression.”

Levi laughs, and a few other people in the crowd mimic.

I turn to look at everyone else. “And what Logan and I do isno one’sbusiness, but if you’d like the gory details… yes, we’re dating, and yes, our parents are married. If anyone has a problem with that, get the fuck out of my house.”

No one leaves, but a couple of people cheer, which has me turning to a grinning Logan to narrow my eyes at her with satisfaction.